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甚至中音也相当好。Even the midrange is good!

是在高音,中音,还是低音哪里?Is it high, middle or low?

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唱诗班需要高音部,但是高音部却变成了次中音。The choir required trebles.

此型号适合金属中音吹嘴使用。This model suits most metal alto mouthpieces.

主音,中音和属音一同构成主音三和弦。Tonic, mediant and dominant together form the tonic triad.

在高音和中音桶鼓上最好使用相同型号的麦克。For the high and mid toms , it's best to use the same model mic.

它有始于中音以下三个八度音阶的深度范围。It has a deep range beginning about three octaves below middle C.

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我们也可以制造中音长笛,低音长笛和木管长笛。We can also supply alto flutes, bass flutes and wooden flutes etc.

一个3波段情商与半参数中音需您的声音到了极点。A 3-band EQ with semi-parametric mids takes your sound to the extreme.

中音萨克斯喉舌更适合直颈康斯。Alto saxophone mouthpiece is more suitable for Constance neck directly.

下属音,下中音和主音共同构成下属音三和弦。Subdominant , submediant and tonic together form the subdominant triad.

我们可以叫它下中音,但这样叫可能太专业了。We could call it the sub-mediant but that's probably getting too technical.

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他们是一个两分频的结构,有一个2.5英寸的中音单元和1英寸的丝绢膜高音。They are of a two-way configuration, with a 2.5" midrange driver and 1"tweeter.

这些人声包括低吼,更有力的中音咆哮,还有尖利的高音。There's the low growl, the more intense medium growl, and the high-pitched screech.

大部分男歌手根据音域分为男高音、中音和男低音。We classify most male singers as tenors, baritones and basses according to their registers.

上低音,次中音号一种类似于的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音。A brass wind instrument similar to the but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.

TL12内置二个钕磁钢12“低频单元和四个6.5”中音元、两个钕磁钢压缩驱动器。TL12 has 2 Neodymium magnet 12"LF units and 4x6.5"MF unit, 2 Neodymium magnets compress drivers.

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不断重复这个练习,从低音C到中音C,五个音符一组。Continue the exercise from chalumeau to clarion C, and then back down again, five notes at a time.

系列,武汉中音琴行口碑不错,他们家的海伦钢琴值得你考虑。N series, Wuhan Music Alto good word-of-mouth, they of the house of Helen piano worth considering.

上低音大号,次中音号一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和。A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.