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尽量避免使用日光灯和晒黑机。And avoid sunlamps and tanning booths.

照明用的是带灯罩的日光灯。It was lit by hooded fluorescent lamps.

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我确实应该从那一堆日光灯里拿一个。I should really get one of these daylight lamps.

出料段配置日光灯检测。Discharging of the targeted fluorescent detection.

运用日光灯之可调光电子安定器于剧场计划。Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent lamp in Theater Project.

1980年出现了第一个螺旋式小型日光灯灯泡。The first screw-in compact fluorescent bulb appeared in 1980.

日光灯是一种低气压的汞蒸气弧光放电灯。Fluorescent is a low pressure mercury-smoke arc discharge lamp.

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而到了午休时间,机关干部们自觉关闭办公室日光灯。By morning time, cadres have consciously closed office fluorescent.

如果您还没有改变,少用日光灯,那赶紧行动吧。If you haven’t switched to compact fluorescent bulbs, make the leap.

日光灯通常是一根两端装有金属电极的管子。A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.

如果照相机没有跟日光灯同步,图像可能会闪烁不定。If the camera is not synchronized with the lights, the image may flicker.

运用日光灯之可调光电子安定器于剧场计划。Using Dimmable Electronic Ballast for Fluorescent lamp in Theater Project.

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为了更准确地还原色彩可以使用如碘钨灯或日光灯等设置。For more accuracy select one of the presets such as tungsten or fluorescent.

这日光灯持续闪烁著,这意味著它已经故障了。The fluorescent lamp keeps flashing, which means it is already out of order.

简洁的日光灯寿命是白炽灯的10倍以上。Compact fluorescent bulbs last ten times longer than the incandescent variety.

即便是日光灯,每天照短短10分钟对摆脱忧郁也很有帮助。Hartstein said a sun lamp -- for as little as 10 minutes a day -- can also help.

“你好,”艾萝依没开日光灯对着电话讲。"Hello, " Eloise said into the phone, without having turned the overhead light on.

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重视了细节的设计,如踏脚板、显示器上方的小日光灯等。The details design was stressed, such as the daylight lamp on the display and the baseboard.

灶台、工作台的局部照明,可用嵌入式日光灯或射灯。The local lighting of hearth, workbench, usable embedded fluorescent lamp or shoot the light.

我们不作电灯泡、卤素灯、日光灯、省电灯与冷阴极管灯,我们仅作LED。We do neither incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, compactfluorescent nor CFL —We JUST do LED.