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他们等待着日班的工人来接班。I work on the day shift.

一名合格的、优秀的值日班干!A qualified, excellent class cadre on duty!

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他们等待着日班的工人来接班。They waited for the day shift to come and take over the work.

也可根据需要举办假日班或夜校班。Training programs on holiday and at night are also available.

这是诺丁汉城市医院日班外科部的网页。This is the web page of Day Surgery Unit , Nottingham City Hospital.

而且我们的古人老早就知道对于日班和夜班的计算方法。They had also learned how calculate day shift and night shife as well.

而且我们的古人老早就知道对于日班和夜班的计算方法。They had also learned how calculate day shift and night shift as well.

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在已经实际应用的日班计划模型的基础上,得到改进的日班计划调整模型。On basis of applied daily plan, the daily plan adjusted model has been gotten.

我到家是早上七点,睡两个小时,然后去日班卖化妆品。I get home at 7 a.m., sleep for two hours, then go to my day job selling cosmetics.

2011年3月8日班什的人们装扮成吉尔,人手一个橘子,加入了狂欢节的大游行。The Gilles of Binche hold oranges during the carnival parade in Binche on March 8, 2011.

铁路局早6点调整计划是在日班计划基础上,对可变类型的请求车进行调整。The 6am adjusted plan for railway bureau is to make some adjustment on the basis of daily plan.

本次讲座邀请了英日副语班老师郭静楠为嘉宾和英日班全体同学参加。Teacher of English-Japanese Translation class Miss Guo Qinglan along with her students attended the lecture.

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每天日班护士长将不在班责任护士的病人分配给副责任护士。On every day shift the head nurse allocates the patients whose primary nurse is off duty to different associate nurses.

在铁路部门,运动员通常做收票的工作因为他们上日班还是夜班可以任选,这样他们就有时间训练了。At the railway, athletes often become ticket collectors because they can work day or night, affording them time to train.

不可低估后勤区,在一个典型的日班,有时会有几百个员工在后勤区工作。The BH can not be underestimated, in some cases several hundred employees will e working in the BH in a typical day shift.

从事日班工作的人,基本上是符合昼夜节律的,一般不受影响。Be engaged in the person that day shift works, basically accord with law of section of day and night, general insusceptible.

从而,为日班计划的计算机自动编制提供一个优化决策基础。An optimal decision base for automatically making the shift working plan of the marshalling station with computer is supplied.

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阐述了研究该问题对编制车站日班工作计划的意义,并对研究该问题的文献做了综述。The significance of studying this problem for making daily and shift plans is set forth, and the literature about this problem is reviewed.

若每日班时以7小时计算,每天加班3、4个小时的人,心脏出问题的风险机率大增。For people who work 7 hours in a working day, and 3 to 4 hours of overtime each day, the chances of heart disease risks increases significantly.

那些工作比较少的夜班培育者职位,会指派给对工作比较不热心,或是技术比较不好,或是那些想要找更重要工作的日班培育者。It was a lesser job, night-crew nurturing, assigned to those who lacked the interest or skills or insight for the more vital jobs of the daytime hours.