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消防队员和警察都佩戴证章。Firemen and policemen wear badges.

那个带着移民局证章的大个子爱尔兰人瞧着他。The big Irishman with the Immigration badge looked at him.

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不过译言有运用博弈论,好的翻译会得证章,对吧?But they use game theory to reward good translations with badges, yes?

这些工作人员必须佩戴特殊的证章或者穿制服使之容易被辨认。These personnel must be easily recognizable by distinctive badge or uniform.

道根坐在房子里,史使高丽把他的证章反过来看他的名字。DOGGETT is sitting in the bullpen just as SCULLY turns over his badge to read his name.

在这里,我们看到了一个艺术家的证章的詹姆斯门罗纪念奖牌设计工作。Here, we see a medallic artist working on the design of a James Monroe commemorative medal.

赛尔夫找到汉金森接洽,亮了亮他的国土安全部的证章,询问警方的行动计划。Don approaches Hutchinson, flashing his Homeland Security badge and demanding to know what they're doing.

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或者,在一些医学会议上,医生携带的书袋、笔及证章等都印有制药公司的标识。Or, medical meetings where doctors tote around book bags, pens and identification badges emblazoned with drug company logos.

学习如何有效利用关系网的工具,包括名片及其它能提供信息的姓名证章,然后准备一个名片夹来存放别人的名片。Learn how to use networking tools efficiently, including business cards and an informative name badge, and have a business-card case to hold others’ cards.

美国法警署给其位于弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的总部配备了152辆可开回家的政府车辆,该署在阿灵顿的163名拥有执法证章的工作人员几乎可以人手一辆。The Marshals Service has 152 'take home' vehicles assigned to its Arlington, Va., headquarters -- one for nearly all of the 163 employees with law-enforcement badges who work there.