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所有受检者中4名CPT值增高者均证实有器质性病变。All the 4 patients who showed higher CPT were proved to have organic diseases.

作为“大的器质”的散文,西部散文是主体生命意识的多维呈现。The prose works about western china express multiple sense of life of these writers.

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目的探讨功能性发声障碍与喉器质性病变的关系。Objective To study the relationship of functional phonation disorders and laryngeal organic diseases.

与结缔组织疾病相关之原因不明器质化肺炎,只有类固醇治疗可能是不适当的。In patients with COP associated with connective tissue diseases, steroid therapy alone may be inadequate.

在许多患者中,重视的是器质性病变,轻视的是功能性疾病,忽略的是心理性障碍。In many patients, value is organic lesion despite the functional disease, ignore what psychogenic obstacles.

目的观察气管支架置入术治疗良性器质性气管狭窄的疗效。Objective To report the use of self-expanding metallic stents in treatment of benign tracheobronchial stenosis.

如我一般的器质上是重听人而完全生活在有声世界中的人占多少百分比?What percentage are people like myself who function as hard of hearing people and live entirely in the hearing world?

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暴乱中燃烧的汽车与参加印地500车赛的赛车的能量与器质相当。The same amount of energy and matter are brought together in a car burning in a riot and one speeding laps in the Indy 500.

结果许多功能性发声障碍与喉器质性病变有关,经发声训练而改善。Results A lot of functional phonation disorders were related to laryngeal organic diseases, and could be treated by phonation training.

但俏得家长注意的是应检众排除器质性病变的可能。But what is smart the guardian to pay attention is should examine the audiences to rule out the organic pathological change's possibility.

误诊病种以子宫肌瘤,子宫腺肌症,子宫内膜息肉构成比最高,说明功血诊断确立之关键在于排除隐匿性子宫器质性病变。It is suggested that the diagnosis of organic diseases be eliminated before the diagnosis of dysfunctional uterine bleeding was established.

经过一系列的追踪检查确定患者为多发性肌炎导致阻塞性细支气管炎合并器质化肺炎。Upon completion of a series of studies, the diagnosis of PM with lung involvement presenting as BOOP was confirmed. Antibiotic was discontinued and steroid prescribed.

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婴儿痉挛症为多种发病因素引起的一种特殊综合征,发生在大脑快速发育的特殊时期,往往伴有严重的脑器质性病变。Infantile spasms caused by risk factors for a variety of a particular syndrome, rapid brain development occurs in the special period, often with severe organic brain disease.

子宫异常出血是由神经内分泌功能失调引起,而非直接由全身及内外生殖器器质性病变引起。The uterine bleeding disorder is caused by neuroendocrinology dysfunction, which is not caused by the disease of whole body as well as inside and outside reproductive organs.

另外,选取非子宫内膜异位症且无器质性病变的患者20例,观察其与子宫内膜异位症患者盆腔血流的不同之处。In addition, the selected non-endometriosis patients with and without organic disease, 20 cases were observed in patients with endometriosis and pelvic blood flow differences.

检查发现他的眼球并无器质性病变,后经神经内科医生诊断,李先生患的是眼肌型重症肌无力,并已经伴发胸腺瘤。His eye examination revealed no organic disease, after a physician diagnosis of nerve, Mr. Lee is suffering from ocular myasthenia gravis, and has been associated with thymoma.

结论老年性ED以器质性病变为主,病程长,程度重,其中尤以血管性ED发病率较高。Conclusions Structural ED is the main type of ED in elderly patients, with longer course of disease and severer clinical manifestations, especially in those with vessel disease.

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所谓器质性精神障碍虽有器质基础,但它实为相应器质性疾病的症状的一部分,并非独立实体。Although the so-called organic mental disorders based on quality control, but it is actually part of the symptoms of the corresponding organic disease, not an independent entity.

克拉克医生的嘱咐是,凡认为自己患有恐怖症的人都要请医生做体格检查以便首先排除有器质性病变的可能。Crocker's advice to any person who thinks he is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical examination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first.

克拉克医生的嘱咐是,凡认为自己患有恐怖症的人都要请医生做体格检查以便首先排除有器质性病变的可能。Dr. Crocker's advice to any person who thinks he is suffering from a panic attack is to consult a doctor for a medical examination to rule out the possibilities of physical illness first.