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接到报警后,公安干警迅速赶到现场。After receiving the alarm, police rushed to the scene.

在干警培训中对干训班的管理影响者培训的质量。The management of police training influences the quality of the training.

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干警们每班两人轮流值勤,实行24小时不间断巡查。Two police officers have the class take turns on duty, a 24-hour inspections.

对所有参加这场斗争的解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们致以亲切的问候!I extend my cordial greetings to all your officers and men who have taken part in the struggle.

培训学员从中国在职干警中严格选拔产生,至少为本科学历。Trainees serving police officers from China's strict selection of produce, at least bachelor's degree.

你需要不停地去练习和干警何时是正确的反应时机并快速移动到球的位置。You need to practice and FEEL when its the right moment to react and push towards the ball the fastest.

结论采用集中教育形式在公安干警中进行预防艾滋病健康教育效果明显。Conclusion The effect of health education of AIDS prevention among public security policemen is obvious.

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本人是一名公安干警,从事刑事案件的侦察工作,在接处警和执法的过程中曾碰到过不少涉及侵占罪的问题。As a police officer with some enforcing experiences, I dealt with some cases of the crime of embezzlement.

昨天,大兴区人民检察院启动检察干警廉政信用档案制度。Yesterday, Tai Hing District People's Procuratorate launched procuratorial officers clean credit file system.

由于制度完善,管理规范,干警从思想上深刻认识到自身形象的重要性。Due to the consummate system and canonical management, polices have deeply realized the importance of their image.

目的研究监狱干警的心理健康状况及其与人格的关系。Objective To examine the mental health of prison policemen and the relation between mental health and personality.

检察机关运用质量管理体系,不仅能有效地约束、规范检察干警的执法行为,而且能促使检察办案质量不断提高。Procuratorate can not only restrict prosecutor executing the law but also increase the quality of handling cases with ISO 9000.

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最近,江苏省扬州市文汇派出所干警和扬州大学6名学生志愿者组成的"轮滑"警务巡逻队正式上岗。A roller-skating patrol team, consisting of Yangzhou policemen and 6 students from Yangzhou University, started work on July 13.

为了解天津市公安干警的死亡水平、死亡谱和死亡特点及其期望寿命,从而为制定预防措施提供科学依据。This observation will provide some data of death of policeman in Tianjin, exploring death risk and establishing prophylactic measure.

搏击是紧张、激烈、对抗性很强的运动,是公安干警必须具备的基本素质之一。Fight is a nervous, fierce and very antagonistic game, which is one of the fundamental qualities that the public security police must possess.

良好的人格结构是劳教干警做好劳动教养工作的基本条件,是劳教干警队伍发挥战斗力的有力保障。Excellent personality structure make policeman of reeducation through labour do the job well and ensure the whole troops' battle effectiveness.

当正午的阳光从缝隙中洒向密林深处时,几乎全身麻木的干警们感觉到有状况。When the high noon sunlight sprinkles from the slit to the jungle deep place, the whole body numb police officers felt nearly has the condition.

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各种意外伤害事故、灾害和危重急症,均需要在现场进行急救,第一个到达现场的往往是公安干警。Various kinds of unexpected damages , calamities and serious diseases, all of these need to be carried out the first aid on the scene of accident.

这些特殊装置只有在突发情况时才派上用场,更多的时候,管教干警希望平静、和谐地相处。These special devices only come in handy when unexpected circumstances, more often, the reeducation police hope that the calm, to get along in harmony.

随着心理矫治工作的推广,越来越多受命组织和实施心理矫治的监狱干警,急迫需要了解组织和实施心理矫治工作的具体做法。With the spreading of mental correction, more and more institutions and prison police long to recognize how to organize and carry out mental corrections.