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在方面,他们是不分上下。They are neck and neck at English.

大部分的赛跑选手不分上下。Most runners are running neck and neck.

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莉丽和露西在汉语上不分上下。Lily and Lucy are neck and neck in Chinese.

目前它们在这场比赛中不分上下。Currently they are neck and neck in the race.

论开车技术,这两人真是不分上下。In the skills of driving, they are neck and neck.

论开车技术,麦克和维尼那真是不分上下。In the skills of driving, Mz and winnie are neck and neck.

两人穿梭于山林之间,较量不分上下。Two shuttle between the mountains, the contest is not divided.

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谢谢,不过有一阵子汤姆和我实在是不分上下。Thanks, but it was neck and neck between Tom and me for a while.

论开车技术,不李和小王那真是不分上下。In the skills of driving, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang are neck andneck.

论开车技能,不李和小王那真是不分上下。In the skills of driving, Xiao Li or Xiao Wang are not neck or neck.

同时还有其他两个电台报道估计两政党其投票率不分上下。While two other TV channels estimated their parties to be neck and neck.

对未来移动通信而言,图象的重要性将和语音不分上下。Images will be just as important as sound to the future of mobile communications.

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两个队已经打了近两个小时,可他们的比分仍不分上下。The two teams have been playing for two hours, and yet, they are still neck and neck in their scores.

他小读棋书,已经会简单的布阵法。我多年未摸棋子,所以水平只落得个跟他不分上下。He had already read some books about chess and I hadn't played it for many years, so we were about the same level.

鲁国有位身有残疾的学者名叫王骀。在他那儿的学生与孔子不分上下。Wang Tai was a disabled scholar in the State of Lu where the number of his students was equal to that of Confucius.

人均国民生产总值位居世界首位的美国,其幸福度与丹麦和新西兰等国相比,并非一样,不分上下。The United States, which had the highest gross domestic product per capita, can't claim to be as happy as Denmark and New Zealand.

国际恐怖主义活动每天都充斥着报刊的头版头条,我们对自己人身方面的担心和对自己财务安全的担心不分上下。International terrorism makes daily headlines, and fear of financial insecurity is matched only by concern for our physical safety.

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接着是自选百米赛跑,我们一路不分上下,但在最后的关头我后来居上将她打败了。And then they did an optional one hundred. I just, we were neck and neck all the way. But I just turned it on at the end and ended up beating her.

而另一方面,男性对各种反应则不分上下,但是对这个讨厌同学的“信息冲突”行为的首选偏见却没有显示出来。Men, on the other hand, were more evenly divided in their response, but failed to show the same preferential bias for acts of "informational warfare" against the unlikable classmate.

不分上下,但考虑到在耶鲁以外,还有那么多大学…,你们当中有多少人最好的朋友是-,现在和你在同一层楼上课的?So, call it a tie but then there's a lot more colleges that aren't yours than the one-- How many of you would you--say your best friend is somebody your-- currently on your same floor?