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分水岭出现在研究生院。It starts in graduate school.

泻湖这个“分水岭”是由砂质物构成的。This lagoon "divider" consist of sand.

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失明成为我人生的一个分水岭。Going blind was the watershed of my life.

是黑人区历史的分水岭。It was a watershed in the ghetto's history.

它成了两条河流的分水岭。It forms the watershed between the two rivers.

这里就是这个课程的大分水岭。So this is the big continental divide for the course.

我们成为基督徒的那一刻,属世的人生便出现了一个分水岭。Earthly life is divided at that point for the Christian.

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本次会议必须成为一个前后带有明显差别的分水岭。This must be a watershed event, with a clear before and after.

把理性主义与迷信相区别的分水岭。The great divide which separates rationalism from superstition.

大约该公园的三分之一面积位于分水岭的西部。About one third of the park lies on the west side of the divide.

最后,可以做基于分水岭的图像分割计算。Finally we are ready to compute the watershed-based segmentation.

脑部分水岭梗塞有其特征性的分布区域。Watershed infarcts have a characteristic distribution in the brain.

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我总是感觉新学年的开始是个分水岭。I always experienced the beginning of a new school year as a watershed.

在所有的这些亚洲麝猫国家中,在富有和贫穷之间有着一个张着大嘴的分水岭。in all of the civets, there remains a yawning divide between rich and poor.

IRN支持当地居民去保房他们的河流和分水岭。IRN supports local communities working to protect their rivers and watersheds.

最后再次使用多尺度分水岭算法完成运动物体模型的更新。Finally, multi-scale watershed transform was reused to update the object model.

到了人生的分水岭了,在考验与历练中去把握。To the life of the watershed, and in the test with the experience and to grasp.

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这次演出被一些人认为是使美国和北韩两国冷漠关系解冻的分水岭。An event some call a watershed in thawing chilled ties between the two countries.

因此说,米拉山是大陆性气候与海洋性气候的分水岭。Therefore, said Mira Hill is a continental climate with the climate of the watershed.

7月该指数企稳于50.0的荣枯分水岭,之前13个月都在该水准以下.The index had spent 13 months below the 50.0 mark that divides growth from contraction.