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徒儿们,把他们全干掉。Disciples, kill them all!

把他们干掉!全部杀光!Wipe them off! kill them all!

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第七场,我们可以把这些呆瓜干掉!We can beat these chumps in game 7!

再哭老子干掉你们!Cry Lao Tze again to luster off you!

而这个项目就叫做“干掉条子”。The program is called Beat the Heat.

花柱及柱头已经干掉。The style and stigma have dried out.

作为报复,我干掉了那个老家伙。I destroyed the old one in vengeance.

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铁虎干掉屋顶上的两名机枪手。Iron tigers kill two gunner on the roof.

我们将要把你们全部干掉。We're gonna kill all you mother fuckers.

高义山一听便拿出枪把他干掉了。Gao Yishan one pulled out a gun to kill him.

“干掉一个碉堡,”炮兵中尉说。Scratch one pillbox, " the lieutenant said."

我只是干掉他们其中一个为我垫背。I just wanted to take one of ‘em down with me.

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鲍勃把拉里痛打一顿后,又威胁说要干掉他。Bob dusted off Larry, and threatened to kill him.

干掉被毒气影响的敌人!Kill an enemy who is infected by the Puffball gas.

其次,他威胁要用一粒子弹干掉特迪。Secondly, he threatened to kill Teddy with a bullet.

如果你找到了老格里斯沃德,你可以把干掉。If you find old Griswold, then you can take him down.

地球会把我们干掉就像捏死一只跳蚤。The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

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待到大部分的水都干掉之后,留下来的就叫纸浆。Then it is left until most of the water drys dries up.

如果我的勇士们抛弃我,我永远也无法干掉玛尔。甘尼斯。If my warriors abandon me, I'll never defeat Mal'Ganis.

玩忽职守是干掉受委托人的最佳理由。Neglect of duty is good cause for removal of a trustee.