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但是,这是民事法律。However, this is a civil law.

英格兰和威尔士的民事法庭Civil Courts in England and Wales

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女律师玛吉是个民事律师。Female lawyer maggie is a civil attorney.

第一部分民事执行权的性质。Part One Nature of Civil Enforcement Power.

很多民事案件都可以在庭外解决。Many civil cases can be settled out of court.

这件民事案明天将开审。The civil case will come on for trial tomorrow.

赌“威廉王子将和同性男友结为民事伴侣关系的”的赔率为1赔100。A same-sex civil ceremony was also a 100-1 shot.

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愿多民事奉你,多国跪拜你。May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you.

民事行为能力三分法缺乏实用性。Trichotomy of civil liability lacks applicability.

第三章具体阐述了心理健康侵权民事责任。Chapter three is tort liabilities of mental health.

民事登记也存在一些风险。There are risks associated with civil registration.

该公司在北京对华锐提起了民事诉讼。It has filed civil suits against Sinovel in Beijing.

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是的,它是一个违规的通知,但是没有民事处罚。Yes. It's a notice of violation but no civil penalty.

上海社会保险民事局副主任张帆在一次电话采访中说,“每年,我们至少需要多加5000张床。”Every year, we’ll need at least 5,000 additional beds.

试验性的法院调解制度仅仅适用于民事案件。The Pilot-Project was applicable only for civil cases.

朱利安尼认为同性伴侣民事结合就足够了。Mr Giuliani says civil unions are good enough for gays.

哪些民事行为可通过法律途径变更或撤销?Which civil behavior changes or rescinds by law approach?

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第二部分是民事抗诉制度存在的根据。The second part is the foundation of civil protect system.

完善我国的民事诉讼失权制度。Part IV is to improve loss of rights system of our country.

中国官员说“蛟龙”号只会用于民事目的。Chinese officials say the Jiaolong is for civilian use only.