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我折迭寝具把它放在柜子里。I fold up the bedding and put it in the closet.

我会把我的寝具移出来,在太阳下晒干,托德先生说。I will bring my bedding out, and dry it in the sun, said Mr.

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寝具散在地板上,脏兮兮的茶具塞在角落里。Bedding was strewn on the floor and dirty teacups stacked in a corner.

谢谢,我刚买了新床,想再买点搭配的寝具。Thanks. I just bought a new bed which I want to match with some new bedding.

但丝绸容易褪色和弄脏,所以利用蚕丝的最好办法是制成寝具。But silk fades in sunlight and stains easily, so it is best used for bedding.

她为他更换寝具,帮他清理伤口,以及照管他的药物治疗。She changed his bedding, helped clean his wounds, and managed his medication.

在大多数地方,床被单、毯子和其他寝具每年都有两次大减价。Sheets, blankets, and other bedding go on sale in most communities twice a year.

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如果是这样的话,你可以使你有你确切寝具格局。If this is the case you can have someone make you bedding with your exact pattern.

供旅客使用之寝具,应于每位客人使用后换洗,并保持清洁。Have bedclothes of the guest rooms cleansed and replaced with clean ones after each use.

因此特别对老人小孩来说,蚕丝被是一种最佳的必备寝具。Therefore, particularly children and senior citizens, the silk is essential is the best bedding.

大而明亮的教室装饰得别有创意,配有新颖的教玩具、量的图书、适安全的家具和寝具。It features large and bright rooms with creative decorations and materials for exploring and learning.

购买寝具有时蛮复杂地,而且,购买寝具也可能影响人们的思想与心灵。Buying a bedding product can be a complex decision, as this purchase will have an impact on their body, mind and soul.

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而且,织法越密,寝具越不易起毛球,也较耐用,不易沾染灰尘。And, texture is closer, bedding jumps over not easy and cottony ball, more durable also, be infected with dirt not easily.

科瓦·克瑞斯从此被世人称为集文化、艺术天赋于一身的寝具天才。Covar Keruisi henceforth is called by the common people the collection culture, the artistic talent in a body's bedding talent.

到了晚上,去向父母说晚安,替他们把寝具安顿好,这样父母就可安安心心又舒舒服服地睡了!In the evening, we can bid them "good night" and pull down the bed covers for them so that they can sleep comfortably and well.

一问之下才知福绣竟是英国品牌,女王大为感叹,立即指明福绣家私为英国皇室专门提供寝具用品。She was amazed that Fossil mattress was an England brand and identified Fossil to be exclusive British Royal home bedding brand.

出生木匠世家的科瓦·克瑞斯成功将精美的木匠工艺融入到寝具的制造当中。Born in a carpenter aristocratic family's CovarKeruisi will succeed the fine carpenter craft to integrate to bedding's manufacture.

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亲友们送的寝具如果不喜欢,可以拆开来用,如红色的寝具,可以搭配白色或米白色等使用。If relatives and friends who do not like the bedding can be disconnected to use, such as red bedding, such as white rice or white mix.

本发明提供一种便携式寝具罩,第一罩布和第二罩布层叠而在里面形成睡眠空间。The present invention provides a portable bedding sheet, where a first cloth is overlapped with a second cloth to a sleeping space inside.

研究人员将它们放入洁净的笼中,这可是真正的一尘不染——它们的寝具、食物、饮水全都是经过消毒无菌的。Then the researchers started keeping the animals in clean cages. Really clean cages, in which the bedding, food, and water are sterilized.