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我能借支烟吗?Can I bum a smoke?

我可以借支笔吗?May I borrow a pen?

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可以借支笔吗?Could you lend me a pen?

请问,我可以借支钢笔吗?。Can I have a pen, please?

我可以跟你借支笔吗?May I please borrow a pen?

我能借支铅笔吗?May I borrow a pencil, please?

我可以从你那借支笔吗?May I borrow the pen from you?

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喂,简。能向你借支钢笔吗?Hello, Jane. May I borrow your pen?

请借支钢笔给我用用。Please lend me a pen to write with.

对不起,我可以借支钢笔吗?Excuse me, may I borrow a pen, please ?

我真不想麻烦你,可你能不能借支笔给我?I hate to trouble you, but could you lend me your pen?

所有借支或费用报销均需由预算控制人审批。All expenses or applications of expenses have to be approved by the budget holders.

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当他们醒后,表现得好像你正在喃喃自语构思着一个故事,然后再问“我能借支笔吗?”When they wake up, act like you’re stumbling around for a story, and then ask “Can I borrow a pencil?”

在整个经济体系中,一般来说货币扩张使借支变得很容易,成本也更低。Monetary expansion generally makes it easier to borrow, and lowers the costs of doing so, throughout the economy.

但从小泽处借支的4亿日元买地费用并未记入2004年度的收支报告书。But Ozawa's 400 million yen at the borrowing cost of buying land has not recorded revenue and expenditure report for 2004.

您应有权借支我们帐户的额度去支付您的任何款项,您同意并接受了这样的指示。That you shall be entitled to debit our account with the amount of any payments you make in respect of having accepted such instructions.

他们表示,其中的一个选择是,将允许利比亚全国过渡委员会从这些款项中借支一部分资金,直到直接转帐被包括联合国制裁委员会在内的有关方面授权为止。They said one option would be to let the TNC borrow against the sum until direct transfers can be authorized by, among others, the United Nations sanctions committee.