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生命竟是如此脆弱!你走了,徒留人间的一片唏嘘!Life is so weak! You had gone, only white space left!

全班人对我的建议报以一片唏嘘声。The class greeted my suggestion with boos and hisses.

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这个盒子的底部唏嘘用塑料包裹起来。The bottom of the box must be lined with plastic wrap.

徐渭的一生充满坎坷与不幸,令人唏嘘。Xu Wei's life were full of frustrations and misfortune.

当他边走握手时候,观众发出唏嘘声。As he shook hands and walked along, watchers booes and hissed.

令人不胜唏嘘的是,在他看到“高地”的两个星期后,股市崩盘了。Alas, two weeks after he saw the “plateau” the stockmarket crashed.

极端贫困和极端富有相伴而生,让我们不胜唏嘘。We are left in awe by the extreme poverty as well as the extreme wealth.

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昔日的风光无限,往常的半人半鬼,令梁红玉唏嘘不已。The former unlimited scenery, the usual half man, half ghost, LiangGongYu to infinity.

唏嘘的胡茬,未老先衰的容颜,黯淡的双眼,一种悲怆猛击心扉。SOB long mustaches, prematurely senile appearance, dark eyes and a pathetique slam doors.

然而,许多儿童的结局却令人唏嘘,他们在被寄养家庭、国营孤儿院或宗教机构惨遭虐待。However, many ended up being abused in foster homes, state-run orphanages and religious institutions.

在莫斯科,曾经有一个令人赞叹的艺术之梯,而今,人们只能对着它的废墟唏嘘不已。There once was a marvellous overland escalator in Moscow. At present one may only roam about its ruins.

社会舆论有无必要为“富不过三代”的家族企业唏嘘嗟叹?Should the public opinion sigh for those family firms which can not be "wealthy over three generations"?

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第一场客场对西布朗的比赛就令哈里唏嘘,但是欧洲赛场更是人们期待这名球员发光的地方。An impressive debut away to West Brom had Redknapp purring, but Europe was where he was expected to shine.

被宿命所牵制,所以没有后悔,没有畏惧,却唏嘘感叹命途多舛。BE lead long by the predestination to make, so regret, be afraid, but the sob exclamation life way is manys.

花园里,想到即将被自己拆散的这对年轻人,郝俊杰唏嘘不已,感慨良多。The garden, thought of will soon be yourself apart the young couple, jun-jie hao from crying, feeling a lot.

就像“再见了,我的手臂”这个爱情故事的结局令人唏嘘一样,海明威以饮弹自尽这一悲惨的方式,在1961年结束了自己的生命。The love story in Farewell to Arms doesn’t end happily, and neither did old Ernest. In 1961 he shot himself.

在地震哀悼日传来萨翁去世的消息,这个不幸再次让中国公众唏嘘惋惜。Saon earthquake mourning the death came the news of this unfortunate for the Chinese public regret and sorry again.

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见证着周边的幸福和成就,唏嘘着自己的平凡和碌碌无为,不知道自己的理想是什么?Witness the happiness and success around, feel sad with own ordinariness and mediocrity, do not know what is the ideal?

为她洗好擦干后,他再脱掉袜子,把脚放进已经凉掉的水里,嘴里唏唏嘘嘘地说,这水可真热啊。He then took off his socks, put the feet placed in cold water, mouth sob sob hush said, this water can be really hot ah.

“家庭优越的小孩交谈接触到的字词平均是福利家庭小孩的三倍,”Hart唏嘘到。"Children in professional families are talked to three times as much as the average child in a welfare family, " Hart says.