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在这儿,充斥着闭路电视监视系统。Closed-circuit TV surveillance is rife.

大会实况在大厅闭路电视上重播。Broadcast the event on a closed-circuit TV linkup.

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例如,我们安装了闭路电视。We’ve installed closed-circuit television, for instance.

孙丹勇,25岁,插入图片,截取的工厂闭路电视录像。Sun Danyong, 25, inset, caught on CCTV footage in the factory.

君怡酒店无线电对讲机系统、闭路电视监控系统工程。Grandview Hotel Two-way radio system, CCTV system engineering,.

所有学校再使用闭路电视监控系统时都必须遵守信息保护法。All schools must comply with data-protection laws when using CCTV.

这麽写实的程度,对研发自动闭路电视系统很有益处。Such realism is useful in the development of automated CCTV systems.

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这项花费25万欧元的工程将再安装两扇大铁门和一套闭路电视系统。The 250,000-euro project will install two more iron gates and a CCTV system.

而另一个厅里,也有两个人在看闭路电视直播的时候晕倒。In the second room, watching by closed-circuit video, two more people fainted.

闭路电视画面显示一名妇女将头颅放在前门旁边然后离开。CCTV images reported show a woman placing the scull by the front door and leaving.

早期的系统多采用闭路电视技术来实现。Closed circuit television technology is used in the monitors ystem in the early time.

您的房间内配有国际直拨电话,卫星电视,迷你吧和闭路电视。Your room is equipped with IDD telephone, satellite TV, mini-bar and in house movies.

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研究人员发明了一种方法自动分析闭路电视和其他安全录像。Researchers are devising ways to automatically analyze CCTV and other security footage.

为照顾上车乘客的安全,所有电车在1999年内已经完成尾闸闭路电视的装置。For boarding passengers safety, rear gate CCTVs have been installed on all trams in 1999.

新的技术由包括电子书写板、电信会议、闭路电视等。New technology includes electronic writing boards, teleconferencing and close circuit television.

伦敦警察局仍在研究他们自己的闭路电视片段,以确认其他闹事者。The Metropolitan Police continue to study their own CCTV footage to pinpoint other troublemakers.

天黑后地铁站也没有警卫,只有一个闭路电视摄像头拍摄下那些逃票的乘客。The Tube station didn’t have any human guards after dark, just a CCTV to record the fare evaders.

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后来的闭路电视监控录像与他们的叙述大相径庭,录像显示,这几人故意破坏一家加油站。CCTV footage later contradicted their story, showing the swimmers had vandalised a petrol station.

它所采用的技术可以是卫星系统、闭路电视或有线电视。The technology behind this may be satellite system, closed-circuit television or cable television.

系列闭路电视监控产品、考勤、门禁、收费等产品。H&S series closed-circuit television monitoring products, attendance, access control, charges, etc.