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请题名留念。Please give your autograph as a memento.

他给字典题名为“我们的环境”。He entitled the dictionary "Our environment".

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一朝题名金榜,犹如鲤鱼跃上龙门。Jinbang title once, like a carp to leap onto the goal.

这份礼物由中国国家主席胡景涛题名。The present has been signed by China's President Hu Jintao.

查找题名带有”UML”的书籍时,共有293个匹配项。Searching for books with "UML" in the title produced 293 matches.

思考一下,本书的题名与献辞。Consider, just for a moment, the title and dedication of the book.

比如说,相关题名之间的关系在MARC中就是个问题。For example, relationships among related titles areproblematic in MARC.

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他来自北京,是一位断臂钢琴师,在这项选秀活动中被题名为。Liu, an armless pianist from Beijing, was named one of the show's finalists.

你可以选择题名、主题词或通用关键词等途径。Then, you can select key words of the title, subject or general as you like.

这就是为什么维基百科被题名列入世界遗产之列。That’s why Wikipedia is an ideal candidate to set the World Heritage List right.

现在我是一个约会教练,今年我被题名为世界第一把妹达人。I’m now a dating coach and, this year, I was named the world’s top pick-up artist.

文章结合多年工作实际,就如何扩大题名、责任者等检索途径进行简要论述。The paper has briefly expounded ways to expand title and author searching route follow.

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文章还针对机读目录的特点对并列题名的著录形式作了对比说明。It also explained the description of parallel titles based on the characteristic of CNMARC.

例如,当我在Amazon.com上查找题名带有”XML”的书籍时,我找到了823个结果!For example, when I searched on for books with "XML" in the title, I got 823 results!

西湖景名,是指西湖的景区、景点以及园林建筑的题名。A scenery name implies an inscription of scenic spot or an inscription of landscape architecture.

1893年,两姐妹颁发了一部歌曲集,题名为“幼儿园的故事”。The sisters published the song in a collection entitled "Song Stories of the Kindergarten" in 1893.

1893年,两姐妹发表了一部歌曲集,题名为“幼儿园的故事”。Thee sisters published the song in a collection entitled "Song Stories of the Kindergarten" in 1893.

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但是电话的背后却有一个引人入胜的故事,可以题名为“征服孤寂”。But the telephone has a fascinating story behind it, one that could be entitled. "The Conquest of Solitude.

1998年全面对外开放,原国家主席杨尚昆先生为隐贤山庄做了亲笔题名。In 1998, there opened to the outside world. And the Former President Mr. Yang Shangkun did the Villa-yin title.

应弟子敬行以下之提请,我已手书了正在准备出书的题名。As requested by disciple Jing Xing below I had written the title of the coming book in preparation in calligraphy.