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对了,像个大松果。Right, it also looks like a pinecone.

松果杖代表着塔罗牌“月亮”。Thyrsus epitomize the tarot card of The Moon.

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小熊,也许你应该试试一个不同的松果,小熊。Maybe you should try a different pine cone Bear.

酒神杖,顶端是芳香的松果。The thyrsus , tipped with fragrant cones of pine.

松果荗盛且芬香,惜不能记存。The pine cones smell so good. Wish I could save it.

我轻轻地把微型松果按在雪人的头上。With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

我轻轻地把一个微型松果按在雪人的头上。With a flourish I put a miniature pinecone on his head.

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我拿走了羊,然后把松果留在同样的位置。I set it down in the same spot and went off with the sheep.

松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties.

松果体音阶技术对每个个体是不同的。The Pineal Toning Technique is different for each individual.

当你们的意识偏离了,就要把它带回到松果体。When your mind wanders, you bring it back to the pineal gland.

我总是将它们涂到松果的中间,而顶部就放白色的苔藓。I always just do the middle and put white moss in the top or end part.

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是那天晚上吃饭你坐到那个可笑的松果上的时候。That night at the dinner table when you sat on the ridiculous pinecone.

等它们变凉些,就可以涂到松果上去了。Let it cool off for a bit and then smear the mixture into the pinecones.

松果体毛细血管衬以厚的无窗孔内皮细胞。The capillaries were found lined by thick non-fenestrated endothelial cells.

这种波动很好地调谐了松果体的感受性和敏感知觉的能力。They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perceptual abilities of this gland.

我要教你怎么用松果和花生酱制作喂鸟器。I will teach you how to make a bird feeder out of pine cones and peanut butter.

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这就是大盆地国家公园的生态学家格雷琴•贝克收集松果的原因。Great Basin National Park, is collecting pinecones. The seeds will be sent to Dr.

松果体在晚间制造褪黑激素,并从夜幕低垂时开始。The pinal gland produces melatonin through the night and starts when darkness falls.

暴风雨来临之际,红松鼠会在它们家附近收集许多松果。When a storm is coming, red squirrels will collect many pine cones near their homes.