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有没有特例呢?Should there be exceptions?

只不过也有些特例。Only, there some exceptions.

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特例只有一种,The only exception to this would be

唯一的特例是吉芬悖论。"More haste, less speed"is a paradox.

特例大声地喊着,“难以相信我一直在吃植物纤维。I can’t believe I’m eating plant fiber.

唯一的特例是吉芬悖论。The only exception is Giffen's paradox.

上文提到的美术故事可能是个特例。The art story above might be an exception.

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然而赫福德表示,刚果并非特例。And Caroline Hurford says Congo is not alone.

殖民的芸术是没有特例的。The art of colonizing is no exception to the rule.

而柏拉图只需要它的特例成立就够了And it's only the particular claim that Plato needs.

那个眼睛流血的拉西达,恐怕是个特例。La Xida eye bleeding that is probably a special case.

二阶段模型是三阶段模型的一种特例。This model is a special case of the three-stage form.

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罗妮是个特例,还是所有的大猩猩都一样聪明?Is Rollie an exception, or are all gorillas as clever?

我们也倾向于归纳一般情况,忽略特例情况。We also tend to aver age things, ignoring special cases.

类型是常例而个性是特例。Personality type is common practice and is a special case.

动态路由的一个特例就是基于内容的路由。A special case of dynamic routing is content-based routing.

原来老的热核反应机制只是它的一个特例。The old thermonuclear mechanism is a special example of it.

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估计是非均匀核N.N。估计的特例,从而大大拓广了N。N. esti-mate with uniform kernel is the special example of N.

这位实际上没有父亲的奥巴马,无疑是无父者中的一个特例。The effectively fatherless Obama is clearly a freakish outlier.

你可能会觉得这很简单,但这是一个很好的特例。You might think well okay, but this is a pretty specialized case.