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一个狡猾的凶手在众目睽睽下隐藏。A cunning killer hides in plain sight.

参议员的活动使他常处于众目睽睽之下。The senator's activity kept him in the public eye.

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众目睽睽之下。一具凌乱的尸体被拖向火葬场。Full view. A messy body was entrusted to the crematorium.

盗窃行为在众目睽睽之下持续数分钟。The thieving continued for several minutes in front of onlookers.

他竟在众目睽睽之下犯下了流氓罪。He committed hooliganism even under the watchful eyes of the people.

我真可怜那些要在众目睽睽之下生活的名人。I feel sorry for famous people who live their lives in the glare of publicity.

我们虽认同,可最高院似乎不怎麽愿意在众目睽睽之下开庭。We agree, but the court seems determined to keep its work out of the public’s eye.

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众目睽睽之下,你的教授问了你一个问题,但你却毛线都不知道。When the teacher asks you a question and you have no idea what the lecture was about.

和近乎隐姓埋名工作的蔡丰安不同,身在台北的陈致远生活在众目睽睽之下。Unlike Tsai, who works in relative anonymity, Chen Chih-yuan lives in Taipei in plain sight.

但是,这也使我的整个生活暴露在众目睽睽之下,所以我尽可能的伪装自己。But I have also had to live my whole life in a fishbowl . I have every disguise I can think of.

还有比在众目睽睽下的封杀,在和谐大度的奥运精神下的封杀更可耻的麽?What is more shameful than this public boycott in the name of the harmonious spirit of the Olympics?

通过将个人及政府暴露在众目睽睽之下,中国网民的力量正日益增强。Chinese netizens are growing in power, through their powers to expose both individuals and the government.

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还记得克里斯·安吉尔在众目睽睽之下轻松自如地行走于水上是何等地令人兴奋吗?Or how about the mind-blowing feat of Criss Angel walking on water effortlessly in full sight of spectators?

几年后的一个早上,大楼的新主人,在自己办公室,在众目睽睽下,跳下了大楼,是诅咒吗?A few years later a morning, building new owners, in his office, even, jumped off the building, is the curse?

在众目睽睽之下,哈利伸手揪住头顶的一撮头发,拔了几根下来。With all of their eyes upon him, Harry reached up to the top of his head, grabbed a hank of hair, and pulled.

实际上,只有那些敢干在众目睽睽之下练英语的人,能够很快学会口语。In reality, only those who dare to practice a foreign language in public can learn the language more promptly.

是一个比喻的说法,含义是在众目睽睽之下犯大错。"To fall flat on your face" is a metaphorical expression meaning to make a big mistake with everybody watching.

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我们的国际足联对于成为笑柄非常尴尬。他们在全世界的众目睽睽之下也止不住地犯错。Our FIFA embarrassed at becoming a laughing stock. They can't stop major bad decisions being seen around the world.

再看后续事件的处理,又是一幕幕滑稽剧在众目睽睽之下表演。Moreover, the handling of this national accident is merely a series of farces performed boldly in the broad daylight.

我们会想用填充词的原因可能是跟咱们有种压力,好像就得说些什么,特别是在众目睽睽下更是如此。We use filler words because we sometimes just feel the pressure to speak, especially when we're in front of an audience.