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我看我的妹妹大概是嫁了一个真正的软骨头。I'm afraid my sister married a real wimp.

谁会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。Who'd have thought he'd turn out to be such a softy.

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谁会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。Who'd have thought he'd turn out to he such a softy.

的监管者还是比那些软骨头好多了。But regulators with spine are still better than invertebrates.

胡佛曾把前任司法部长拉姆齐·克拉克叫做软骨头。Hoover had called former Attorney General Ramsey Clark a jelly-fish.

对于罗津的理论,我表示同意,虽然以嗜辣如命者的标准来衡量,我只能算个经不住辣的软骨头。I have to agree, although by true chili-head standards, I am a wimp.

等到了家里,齐拉就数落他是个懦夫,软骨头。Later, at home, Zilla would accuse him of being a coward and a weakling.

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钙过量也会导致高钙血症和软骨头。Excessive amounts of calcium can also lead to hypercalcemia and soft bones.

在慕尼黑,还有更近些的巴黎、纽约的软骨头外交什么也没有得到。The spineless diplomacy demonstrated at Munich, and more recently in Paris and New York, achieves nothing.

她说,人们广泛地持有某种成见,就是“任何与母亲太亲密的男孩都是娘娘腔和软骨头,永远都会依赖他人,也永远不会拥有健康的感情关系”。She said that the widely accepted stereotype is that 'any boy close to his mom will be a sissy, a wimp, forever dependent and never a man who can have a healthy relationship'.

2003年伊战开始期间,“法国”这个单词在美国曾等同于“软骨头”,而如今其含义似乎更接近“社会主义”。The word “French”, which during the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was sometimes employed in America as an abusive synonym for “spineless”, is now more likely to be used to mean “socialist”.