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州长宣布紧急状态。The governor declared a state of emergency.

我们把军事戒备从紧急状态降至待命状态。We downgraded the military alert from emergency to standby.

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为了这个目的,我们认为紧急状态法案应该解除。To that end, we believe that the emergency law should be lifted.

诺盖德里补充说,只在第比利斯实行国家紧急状态。The state of emergency was decreed only in Tbilisi, Nogaideli added.

紧急状态下,如须做饭,只有在户外才能使用木炭和煤气烤架。Use charcoal or gas grills for emergency cooking, only out of doors.

如果您听见雷声,不要使用除了在紧急状态下的一个被捆绑的电话。If you hear thunder, don't use a corded phone except in an emergency.

泰国政府已经宣布曼谷周围的机场地区进入紧急状态。The government has declared a state of emergency around the airports.

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路易斯安那州州长Bobby也宣布全州进入紧急状态。Governor Bobby Jindal also declared a state of emergency in Louisiana.

紧急状态令禁止公共示威和所有独立新闻广播。The decree banned public demonstrations and all independent newscasts.

他们英亩紧急状态更而且负责任损伤吨事或动物分遣队。They are not moreover responsible of eventual damages to things or animals.

都会部落格写作喀拉蚩说明在巴斯斯坦,如何及何种时机宣告国家紧急状态。Metroblogging has an account of how and when emergency was declared in Pakistan.

由于天气寒冷,施瓦辛格宣布加州10个县进入紧急状态。Arnie declared a state of emergency in 10 counties in California due to the cold weather.

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两人分歧的焦点是被穆沙拉夫在宣布紧急状态时解职的60名法官。At the heart of their dispute are 60 judges, sacked by Mr Musharraf during the emergency.

发生遇险或紧急状态时,应将应答机编码放置A7700。The code of transponder shall be set to A7700 in case of distress or emergency situation.

阿水紧急状态宣布该署执行主任…赤字相应的紧急阶段,在弗吉尼亚描述。Emergency phase of "the" corresponding deficit in the " state " of Virginia and described.

紧急状态法是在戒严法的基础上发展起来的,同时又克服了戒严法的缺陷。Emergency law is developed on the basis of martial law in which overcomes some limitations.

星期四泰国总理颂猜宣布机场地区进入紧急状态。On Thursday Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat declared a state of emergency at the airports.

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自始至终,他都拒绝为了莫斯科的人类居民而宣布进入紧急状态。All the while, he has refused to declare a state of emergency for Moscow's human inhabitants.

纽约,普拉茨堡市以及周边数个城镇宣布进入紧急状态。In New York, a state of emergency was in effect in Plattsburgh and numerous surrounding towns.

在日本女川的一个核电站也于上周日宣布进入紧急状态。A state of emergency was declared on Sunday at a nuclear power plant in Onagawa, Japan, as well.