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一条项链,一只戒指,还有耳钉。A necklace. A ring.

我想要一条银项链。I want a silver chain.

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詹妮很喜爱这一串珍珠项链。Jenny loved her pearls.

她当掉了她的项链。She popped her necklace.

我可以试戴这条项链吗?Can I try on this necklace?

她戴着一串珍珠项链。She wore a string of pearls.

你们有水晶项链卖吗?Do you have crystal necklace?

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这项链是金造的。The necklace is made of gold.

项链镶嵌着海蓝宝石。A necklace set with aquamarines.

美琴不可能赢下黄玉项链。Mikoto can't win Topaz. Oh well.

她在她的项链上重新镶上一块红宝石。She reset a ruby in her necklace.

一根项链卖这个价钱太贵了。That's very steep for a necklace.

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项链上有个小天使。On the necklace is a little angel.

她买了一个水晶项链。She bought a necklace of crystals.

一根项链这个价钱太贵了。That 's very steep for a necklace.

Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

昨晚他送给我一条项链。He handed me a necklace last night.

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一串钻石项链使她更富美感。A diamond necklace adorned her neck.

真钻项链在她脖子上闪闪发光。Real diamonds sparkle at her throat.

我太太必定会特别喜好这条镶玉的项链。My wife will love this jade necklace.