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但是,他还是解开了袋子。But untie it he did.

他有太多的袋子了。He has too many hags.

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来玩一玩砸袋子的游戏吧!Play a game of beanbag!

硬脑膜就是个毫无用处的袋子。The dura is just the bag.

可以把那个袋子给我吗?Can I have the bag please?

把钱放进你的袋子里吧。Put the money in your bag.

这个袋子是用布缝制的。This bag is made of cloth.

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多盛东西,撑破袋子。Covetousness break the bag.

请问我能拿回我的袋子吗?Can I get my bag back,please?

我想用随身携带这个袋子。I like to hand-carry this bag.

我们给他卸下背上的袋子。We unburdened him of his bags.

T-袋子的一只胳膊有问题。One of T-bag's arms was broken.

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袋子装得过满便扎不住口。Bind the sack before it be full.

我试图把它收到一只袋子里。I tried to bundle it into a bag.

它采用10磅重的袋子。It is packaged in 10-pound bags.

她把自己在编结的东西放在袋子里。She keeps her knitting in a bag.

每件东西都用两个袋子装好吗?Could you double-bag every thing?

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我想是有人从我袋子里偷走。I think it is stolen from my bag.

她的袋子由于装了礼物而胀得鼓鼓的。His bag was bulging with presents.

"打开袋子,把钱放进去。"。Open the bag and put the money in.