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引流物应是软而易弯的。The drain should be soft and pliable.

对于PA,应行脓肿切开引流。Open drainage should be performed for PA.

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引流是一种理想的治疗方法。Drainage of the fluid is the ideal treatment.

肠管或网膜可能沿引流物疝出。Bowel or omentum may herniate alongside the drain.

管持续引流胆汁可降低胆总管压力。T-tube drainage can decrease the bile duct pressure.

传统的囊肿内引流术应该放弃。The traditional internal drainage should be abandoned.

进行经皮肺脓肿引流。Percutaneous drainage of a lung abscess was carried out.

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准备并接受一个外部脑室外引流包。Prepare and connect an external ventricular drainage bag.

明天请再来,换一下引流条。Please come back again tomorrow to have the drain replaced.

胆总管内置引流管引至大鼠颈背部,外接引流袋。A special bag was connected to the tube for collecting bile.

结果全部病人经皮经肝穿刺胆道引流手术成功。Results PTBD was successfully performed in all the patients.

目的探讨T管引流术拔管后胆漏的预防。ObjectiveTo prevent biliary fistula after the removal of T tube.

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肠管可能沿著引流物疝出,导致梗阻。Bowel may herniate alongside a drain, with resulting obstruction.

肝脓肿,需要管引流及抗生素治疗。A liver abscess will require tube drainage and antibiotics to cure.

初步诊断是胃脏旁脓疡,于是施行了电脑断层定位引流术。CT-guided drainage was performed for a presumed perigastric abscess.

手术引流安装和氟氯西林是管理。Surgical drainage was installed and flucloxacillin was administered.

移动时使用附腿尿袋夜间使用大号引流袋。To leg bag when ambulatory. To larger bedside drainage bag at night.

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建立并熟练掌握大鼠肠淋巴液引流的方法。Methods The method of the drainage of lymph fluid was well established.

方法新型泪道探通引流装置由两端金属探子及中间软性硅胶管组成。Metallic probes were at each end, and a soft silicon tube was in between.

引流术后,接受了TACE治疗的患者其生存期明显超过未治疗组。But the survival time of TACE group was more perduring than the untreated.