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现在交给你了。Now over to you.

将清单交给他们。Give them the list.

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新郎官,交给我了。Groom, let me handle it.

把这个杯子交给警察。Give this cup to the cop.

这样的小四,交给我。Such a small four, to me.

她把这项工作交给了我。She deputed the job to me.

这些任务一总交给你干。Leave all the tasks to you.

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把你的行李交给脚夫。Give your bags to the porter.

我想把它交给你"I'm going to give it to you."

把半身人交给我,女精灵。Give up the halfling, She-Elf.

信已交给他了。I've handed the letter to him.

请把您的餐券交给我,好吗?Could I have your dinning coupon?

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我把一个保证没有白痴的队伍交给你。I handed you an idiot-proof team.

我把一个保证没有白痴的队伍交给奶。I handed you an idiot-proof team.

这事儿就交给我了咋样?I've about had it with this Army.

请把你的灵魂交给撒旦大人。Please give your anima to Satany.

以利亚对她说,把你儿子交给我。Give me your son,' Elijah replied.

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这是邓不利多教授交给我的。Professor Dumbledore gave me this.

工作人员把栓她的皮带交给了我。The attendant handed me her leash.

耶稣便把他交给他母亲。And he delivered him to his mother.