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学会了一种新的旋舞?A new dance turn.

学会如何拓展人际网。Learn how to network.

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学会爱上努力。Learn to Iove effort.

开始喓学会相信自己!I believe I can do it !

你要学会承担风险。You learn to take risks.

学会感恩祷词。Learn a gratitude prayer.

学会了几种新手艺。Learned a few new skills.

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她很快就学会了撑方头平底船。She soon learned to punt.

学会积极思考。Develop positive thinking.

学会如何一笑置之。Learn how to laugh it off.

鸟类是如何学会飞翔的呢?How did birds learn to fly?

学会用算盘。Learn how to use an abacus.

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美国乳粉学会“,”American Dry Milk Institute.

学会怎么做好吃的意大利面豆浓汤。How to make good Pasta Fazul.

我学会了往养成这类习气。I was taught to cultivate it.

这就是我怎样学会灌篮的。That's how I learned to dunk.

但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。I hope you learn to eat first.

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学会怎样辨别杂乱。Learn how to identify clutter.

他们必须学会格斗吗?Must they learn fist-fighting?

我们需要学会约束。We need to exercise restraint.