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鸟儿伴着飞瀑唱起婉转的情歌。Melodious birds sing madrigals.

飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天,蔚为壮观。Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.

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飞瀑流泉和苍松翠柏又把你带回大自然的怀抱之中。Feibao Artesian Bore Baths Calocedrus pines and then you back into the embrace of nature.

这会儿雪花越来越大,越下越密了,从窗前纷纷扬扬地飘过,像神秘的飞瀑。The flakes were falling thick and hard now, pouring past the window, a waterfall of mystery.

七潭山飞瀑鸣鸿,印石潭水明澈如镜,真是一幅江山多娇的画图。A seven Tanshan Ming-hung, India-Seeing as the pool mirror, is a domain of multi-Jiao's painter.

雁荡山奇峰怪石,飞瀑流泉,充满天然韵味,为笔墨难以形容。Yandangshan Qifeng rocks, waterfalls Nagareizumi, full of natural flavor, for ink indescribable.

草木飞瀑、喷泉溪流、荷池一起构成了独特的花园式濒水办公园。Grass, bushes, trees, waterfalls, fountains, pools and brooks, all combine to make a perfect garden.

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飞瀑流泉的一座高岗的半坡上,茂密的树丛掩映着一间简陋的草庐,十分自然,十分清新。Flowing Down a Gaogang of Banpo, the lush backdrop of trees with a simple , very natural, very fresh.

王家坡双瀑,飞瀑成双,势若二龙倚天,喷珠泻玉。Royal Slope double waterfall, the founder of dual, if the potential Lung sky, jet beads spilled jade.

我的文字,穿过郁郁幽深的原始森林,听小桥流水,禽鸟啼鸣,看飞瀑流泉,蓝天苍穹。My words, through the blue deep forest, listening to the birds singing, see bridges, waterfalls, blue sky.

桥北大壑临断崖,飞瀑直下,景色绝佳,是游人驻足小憩的天然所在。Pro North Bridge gully cliff, straight down waterfalls, great scenery, is where tourists stop to rest natural.

著名作家张一弓赞誉为“高峡飞瀑藏幽径,绿水秀竹怀古情”。Famous writer Zhang Gong praised as "high Gorge waterfall hidden and quiet lane, green water bamboo nostalgia show love."

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它位于怀柔慕田峪长城西,距县城28公里,总面积18平方公里,是集长城、古洞、山川、泉潭、飞瀑于一体的天然锦绣谷。It 's a natural splendid valley which collects the Great Wall, ancient hole, mountains, spring tam and waterfalls in one set.

更兼有飞瀑流泉,面积广阔且保存较为完好的天然常绿林等自然景观。But also the cliff-side waterfall, and the vast area more well-preserved natural evergreen forest and other natural landscape.

鼎湖山因为覆盖着茂密的森林而蕴藏着丰富的泉水,从而造就了千姿百态的流泉飞瀑。Dinghu mountain because covered with dense forests and contain rich springs, to set up a 1000 appearance the stream waterfalls.

上面是乌云滚滚的天空,大雨如注,闪电雷鸣,一条飞瀑从山的一侧倾斜而下。Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.

远处飞瀑排挤掩饰的轰鸣声和着松涛的阵阵呼啸,好像一首交响乐,领着我们走进童话世界。Exclusion to cover up the distance the roar of waterfalls, and the bursts of pines roar, like a symphony, led us into a fairy-tale world.

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国家地质公园主要以云台山园区的构造单面山体地貌和断崖飞瀑、幽谷清泉地貌为特征。National Geological Park, the park constructed mainly Yuntaishan mountain terrain and cliff side waterfall, valley springs landforms characterized.

苍郁的密林和鲜艳的花朵倒映在清洌洌的溪水中,溪水拍打着巨大的岩石,形成了可爱的飞瀑。The close Lin Hexian of verdant's colourful flower mirrors in crystal-clear in the brook water of clear , brook water is flapping tremendous rock, formed lovely flying waterfall.

人们在长白山区,游览雪山、林海、飞瀑、温泉,可以尽情地陶醉在自然美景之中。Mountain visitors can drink in to their heart's content the full beauty of natural scenery, with the snow-capped mountains , the endless forests, the waterfall, the hotsprings , etc.