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你能够冲印出很不错的8x10规格的相片。You can print a nice 8x10.

特殊规格另行设计承造。Special design upon request.

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配置规格是共享的吗?Are there shared config specs?

我想挫折在这里。油压机规格。I think the trouble lies here.

你有什么规格的红刚玉?。What size of ruby do you have?

可指定三态规格使用。Tri-state available if specify.

业务用例规格说明。Business use-case specifications.

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第三代矿机处理器规格是多少?What process size does Gen 3 use?

前往煎茶网站看规格。Go to sencha website to see specs.

你需要什么规格的电线?What gauge of wire do you require?

而现在的鲸鱼座的规格。And now for the specs of the Cetus.

如何取得CIM的规格书?。How can I get the CIM specification?

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拜肯植体有何种尺寸规格?。What size implants does Bicon offer?

适配器元对象规格说明。Specification of adapter meta-objects.

产品多达11个品种82个规格。Products are 11 varieties and 82 sizes.

我们可以看一下X200型的周密小心规格吗?Could we see the specifics for the X200?

请确认附上的规格书。Pls confirm the attached specifications.

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规格说明书可以给我们吗。Will you let us have the specifications?

阀门通径,型号或规格说明。Valve size, figure number or description.

通过评审规格来评估状态。Assess status by reviewing specifications.