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一篇在硅谷盛传的笑话,你以为你老板在想啥?Juts a joke, don't get too serious.

赛龙舟将盛传于世。Dragon boat racing will be headed in the world.

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患病倍感羞辱,错误信息盛传,疾病治疗昂贵。Stigma and misinformation are rife. Treatment is expensive.

“魅力”是关汉卿公案剧盛传不衰的主要原因。The"charm"is the widely known cause for Guan Hanqing s Gongan dramas.

然后课上大都盛传,讲课以外,and the way the general vibe of the class is, outside of the lecture and

目前盛传的是,他们可能正在酝酿对星座计划做重大调整。Rumors abound that they might be cooking up major changes to Constellation.

例如,外界盛传柏耀平将成为中国航母的舰长,他是广州舰艇学院87班的一员。For example, Bai Yaoping is widely speculated to become the Chinese carrier commander.

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整个体育界盛传着这一对孪生兄弟的出色表演。The whole sports world is ringing with the wonderful performances by the twin brothers.

世界冠军曼联是迄今为止被盛传对洛夫感兴趣的另一支英超球队。United are the latest English side to be linked with a move for the CSKA Moscow forward.

盛传著名作家史蒂芬弗莱将会用一种革命性的电子应用出版他的自传。Stephen Fry is said to be developing a revolutionary app for his forthcoming autobiography.

但除此之外,互联网上盛传的建议很少有理论依据。But beyond this, little of the advice proliferating on the internet is backed by any evidence.

在它的旁边,有一处耸立着的石台,就是历史盛传的“周处读书台”。In its vicinity stands a stone-platform historically renowned as "Zhou Chu's Reading Platform."

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在交易商紧张不安且谣言盛传的环境中,快速波动再一次演变出大行情。Once again, with traders on alert and rumors swirling, a quick move was exacerbated to a huge move.

记者昨日从部分钢企处了解到,这一消息已经从本月初就开始在业内盛传。The journalist from part in steel enterprises, this news from earlier this month began in the media.

但随着通用汽车公司决定停止庞蒂克品牌,该公司决定停止销售盛传。But with GM's decision to discontinue the Pontiac brand, the automaker decided to stop selling the Vibe.

这样,这名此前盛传将参加曼联的威尔士球员最终花落白鹿巷。In this way, the previously rumored to join Manchester United player at Welsh end up at White Hart lane.

上面这幅图显示了之前盛传的隐藏WIFI设置功能,最多允许设置3个SSID。The screen shot above shows the rumoured hidden WIFI setting, which allows up to 3 SSIDs to be included.

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爱德华王子和苏菲·里斯·琼斯的订婚是在外界盛传王子私下里其实是个同性恋这样的纷纷扰扰中完成的。Prince Edward's engagement to Sophie Rhys-Jones came amid tabloid reports that the prince was secretly gay.

一直盛传巫统高层领袖和回教党领袖秘密会面,商谈马来人和回教徒的团结。There's a lot of talk and speculation about top UMNO leaders meeting PAS leaders on Malay and Muslim unity.

网上对这一事件的盛传都是基于一项有许多缺陷的研究,Gansler博士说道。Internet traffic on the issue is mostly inspired by one study with several scientific flaws, Dr. Gansler said.