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你会感叹"靠"You go, "Doh!"

嘿感叹!俺看见了感化院感叹!Heeey! I see the penitentiary!

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我经常发这样的感叹。I often had this kind of plaint.

满天黑色的感叹。The sky is filled with black plaits.

这是不少农民的感叹和疑问。This is many farmers plaint and doubt.

书中的照片令人感叹。The photography in the book is gorgeous.

我感叹,生命是如此地没有保证。I'm plaint that the being is so insecure.

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子恒感叹影视圈就是烧钱的。Ziheng exclamation film is burning money.

一七焰在心里大为感叹!Yans are in mind and greatly an exclamation!

老人感叹道,他询问Kamel跟他合影。He asks Kamel to pose for a picture with him.

他感叹道向海外进军的时机成熟了。The time is ripe for foreign deals, he chirps.

最深切哀悼汶川地震中地遇难者感叹!Deep condolences to the victims of Wen Chuan Earthquake.

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丁香松下劲来,感叹着儿大不由娘。Clove strength to panasonic, exclamation ZhaoEr big niang.

我们不要浪费时间,我们没有时间去感叹和伤感。Don't waste time, we did not have time to sigh and sadden.

无止尽的感叹于石头,蚂蚁,云,还有饼乾。Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies.

这个秀气温和的女子在我的人生旅途留下一抹感叹的色彩。The delicate gentle woman in my life left a sigh of color.

令人感叹的色泽和切割就是这款坦桑石耳环的诱人之处。Stunning color and cut are key to these Tanzanite Earrings.

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是青山森林停驻的绿竹令你感叹?The Castle Peak of green bamboo forest dock makes you sigh?

他们会让你每天感受到不同的惊讶与感叹。They make you feel every day different surprise and plaint.

否则怎么又会有“人生得以知己足矣”的感叹!How else would have" life can be confidant suffice " plaint!