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为什么实行夏时制的日子被称为“绿色日子”?Green days.

什么是绿色食品?What is green food?

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绿色,蓝色,靛蓝色。Green, Blue, Indigo.

它是绿色的还是兰色的?Is it green or blue?

它的树叶是绿色的。Its leaves are green.

何谓“绿色旅行”What is green travel?

绿色内脏。Entrails of greenness.

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按绿色按钮。Press the geen button.

圆都是绿色的。The circles are green.

绿色是新的流行色。Green is the new black.

可是这件衣是绿色的。But this coat was green.

它拥有绿色的树叶。Has it got green leaves.

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我想穿那条绿色的裙子。I wanna wear the dress.

“三八绿色工程”活动。March 8th Green Project.

房间用绿色墙纸裱糊。To cover with wallpaper.

绿色甘蓝菜等填料。Collard greens. Stuffing.

把三角形先生涂成绿色。Color Mr. Triangle green.

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把这个画涂成绿色。Colour the picture green.

他,是绿色的使者。He, it is green emissary.

并购狂潮紧追绿色趋势。Merger mania grips green.