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这种补药会增强你的体质。This tonic should pick you up.

因为当时我体质还不错。Because I was in really good shape.

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举重增强了他的体质。The weightlifting built up his body.

你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。You need more protein to build you up.

人类体质怎会有差异?。Why have difference among human habitus?

奥库斯没有体质属性。Orcus does not have a Constitution score.

学生们经常进行锻炼,保持良好体质。The students train regularly to keep fit.

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体质较弱,经常感冒和皮肤风团。She suffers from recurrent cold and urticaria.

对于成年人来说,体质指数介于18.4与25之间就是健康的。For adults, a BMI between 18.4 and 25 is healthy.

人的体质通常是由遗传决定的。A person's health is often genetically predetermined.

由于体质差,她动不动就会生病。A weak constitution disposed her to frequent illness.

她感到疲倦和怕冷,她之前体质消瘦、不喜欢热。She feels tired and cold. She was thin and hating hot.

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从理论上讲,体育运动干预可以起到调养体质的作用。In the theory, sport exercise can react on the fitness.

在我们的体质里已经不再存在中世纪。There is no more of the Middle Ages in our constitution.

过敏体质的朋友,尤其要注意这一方面。Atopy friend, paying particular attention to this aspect.

硫酸钡作为体质颜料广泛应用于涂料中。Barium sulfate as an extender pigment is widely used in paint.

气郁体质者,多表现为气机阻滞。Qiyu physique, more than the performance of air-resistance lag.

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他心性敏感而体质柔弱,很早就过世了。He was of a delicate mind and body, and he died at an early age.

经常从事帆船运动,能增强体质,锻炼意志。Regular crew can strengthen their physiques , temper their will.

她纤弱的体质使得她不欲担任如此艰钜的工作。Her delicate constitution disincline her from such an arduous job.