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神开办了一个严紧的学校。God keeps a costly school.

又为殿作了严紧的窗棂。He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple.

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在提供方面,严紧的出借仍然是标准”。On the supply side, tight lending remains the norm.

是呵,家庭,社会与学校的束缚是何等的严紧呀!Yes, how repressive is the bondage of family, society and school!

渠务署严紧地检讨了污水及污泥的处理过程。Operation modes for both sewage side and sludge side were critically reviewed.

虽则汽锅壳与蒸汽管是严紧关闭的,然而还是有一部门热损耗。However carefully boiler casings and steam pipes are sealed, some heat escapes and is lost.

迎面的窗口安有厚厚的百叶窗,关闭时很严紧,只等工程师将来有时间再做玻璃。Thick shutters closed the windows of the facade, until the engineer had time to make glass.

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耶利哥的城门因以色列人就关得严紧,无人出入。Now Jericho was tightly shut up because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.

严紧各处销售烟草的商人卖给18岁以下儿童香烟。The tobacco retail businessmen were strictly prohibit from buying cigarette to young men under 18.

吴大羽运用色彩、线条、色彩块面等来展现构图,疏简中见严紧组织。The whole composition, while tightly organized, emerges through the simplistic use of colours, lines and form.

氛围的严紧或者宽松都在告诉你高层领导的个性和工作风格。Its tightness or looseness tells you about the personality and way of working of the high ranks of the company.

当阀门整张纸后,应将手轮倒转少许,使螺纹之间严紧,以免松动毁伤。When the valve is fully open, the hand wheel should reverse a little, so tight between threads, so as not to loose damage.

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他们若肯作见证,就晓得我从起初,是按着我们教中最严紧的教门,作了法利赛人。Which knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.

但是,在很多情况下他用不严紧的意译,远离圣经经文的意思,这将会同样立即看到。However, in many cases he uses loose paraphrases that depart from the meaning of the Biblical text. That will be readily seen as well.

法语的语法结构严紧,词意肯定。国际上的重大文献都要有法文版备案。The grammar and structure of French are precise and the lexical meanings are affirmable. The significant world literatures all have French versions.

为最有效地保障本公司客户之利益,本公司之监管一向严紧。Being a conservative participant, we run our business with a tight credit policy, never take high risk, aiming at best protecting our customers' interests.

此产品该设备具有结构严紧、造型独特、美观、质量可靠、操作方便等特点,是一种理想的游乐设备。This toy is an ideal amusement equipment with the characteristics of rigorous structure, unique and beautiful modelling, reliable quality, easy to operate, etc.