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鼹鼠挖坑道。A mole mines its way.

鼹鼠在地里挖了许多洞。A mole holed the field.

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这个,许多鼹鼠也不会。Well, neither can many moles.

“它是我的宠物鸟,”鼹鼠说。It's my pet bird, "said Mole ."

“它是我的宠物鸟,”小鼹鼠说。"It's my pet bird, "said Mole. "

鼹鼠在墙脚下面钻了一个洞。A mole tunneled a hole under the wall.

鼹鼠和地鼠在地上掘洞居住。Moles and gophers burrow in the ground.

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鼹鼠在地里掘洞。The moles borrowed holes in the ground.

我打算向鼹鼠乐队推荐我的歌。Somewhen I'll pitch my songs to the moles.

你仅像鼹鼠样透过它们的皮肤观望you only saw as moles see through their skin

承诺的是山,做出来的是鼹鼠窝。They promise mountains and perform molehills.

“我要给我的宠物鸟做个鸟笼子!”小鼹鼠说。"I making a cage for my pet bird! "said Mole.

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“哎呀,鼹鼠,你怎么可以这样说?”河鼠惊慌地说。MOLY , how could you?' said the Rat, dismayed.

鼹鼠如醉如痴,入神入迷。The Mole was bewitched, entranced, fascinated.

一只地鼠和一只鼹鼠打洞从地板里钻了出来。A gopher and a mole tunnel up through the floor.

鼹鼠鼹鼠急停天然驱蚊剂,10磅。Mole Mole trip natural "insect" repellent, and 10 pounds.

上帝创造了无脚蜥蜴和鼹鼠,它们也拥有属于自己的天地。God made the blind-worm and the mole, and each has its place.

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鸭嘴兽和针鼹鼠是世界上唯一的单孔类动物。The world's only monotremes are the platypus and the echidna.

如果那些鼹鼠继续掘地,很快将没有草留下。If those moles carry on digging,there will soon be no grass left.

船儿兜底翻了过来,鼹鼠在河里扑腾着挣扎。Over went the boat, and he found himself struggling in the river.