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正在进行磋商。Consultations are under way.

宝莉是个能干的磋商者。Polly is a competent negotiator.

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两位律师就此案作了磋商。The two lawyers consulted on the case.

中国要求美国就轮胎特保案启动WTO磋商。China takes US to WTO over tire tariffs.

他们和他们的邻居磋商。They are bargaining withtheir neighbours.

磋商是个含糊的带弹性的词。Consultation is a vagues and elastic term.

我们真心实意希望进行磋商。We genuinely want to engage in consultation.

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不过他说会在星期一开始磋商。But he said consultations would start on Monday.

我们正在磋商重新安排会议”,他说。We are working with them to reschedule, " he said.

安理会15个成员国将在周二晚些时候展开磋商。The full 15-member council consults later on Tuesday.

他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。They retired to another room for private consultation.

不过他并没有参与该协议的磋商。Tierney was not involved in negotiating the agreement.

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北韩方面也将于3月16日加入磋商。The North Koreans are going to join the group March 16.

答大会主席将经过磋商后决定是否要通过大会宣言。Chairpersons of the WMS will decide based upon consultation.

磋商可以通过预约安排在其他时间。Consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment.

目经律师们研讨磋商终成结论。The figure was hammered out in negotiations among attorneys.

在第三次会议召开之前举行了一系列区域磋商。A series of regional consultations preceeded the third session.

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两个人磋商,怎样也要瞒着郝京妮!Two personal consultation, how to also want to deceive hao Beijing ni!

但是,你可以替我们与业主磋商一个合理的租金吗?However,could you help us to negotiate a better rent with the landlord?

人的生活有时就像电脑,说死机就死机,没得磋商。Life is sometimes just as puters, said crash will crash, not negotiable.