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我知道那片棕红的沃土。I know to what brown country.

郁金香被种在沃土里。The tulips were bedded in rich soil.

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有大量的沃土沉积在河的转弯处。The river deposits rich soil at its bends.

沃土,给您一个安全的、健康的家!VOTO, giving you a safe and healthy family !

在这片沃土上,农民种植玉米、水稻、小米、豆米和枣子。On it farmers grow maize, rice, millet, beans and dates.

感恩之心是奉爱种子生长的心灵沃土。Grateful heart is the heart in which seed of bhakti will grow.

我希望在枫叶这片沃土上,勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。I wish to work hard, live a happy life, and be a decent person.

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我是来自沙漠的热风,草原上的沃土。I'm the hot wind from the desert, the black soil on the plains.

数千年的齐鲁文化滋润着这片广饶沃土。The centuries-old Qilu culture has nurtured this vast fertile land.

我们很幸运,成长在莘格这片沃土。We are lucky to grow on this promising land—Xianghua Primary School.

叫做息肉的小赘生物和癌症一样,都将这里视为沃土。Small growths called polyps, as well as cancers, also favour this site.

老农说应该把这些苗移植到沃土中去。The old peasant said these seedlings should be bedded out in rich soil.

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无平地沃土之饶,无水泉灌溉之益。No fertile soil of the plains Rao, the benefits of irrigation without springs.

只有开放的文化环境才是新思想创造、产生的沃土。Open cultural environment is the fertile soil of the creating of new thoughts.

今天我们在祖国的沃土上成长,明天我们在世界的蓝天中飞翔!Today, we absorb everything in our homeland. Tomorrow, we will fly to the world!

春天,我们用铁锨翻开园子里黑油油的沃土。In the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot, turn under the dark compost.

马芝安在这片沃土上管理着自己的小王国,对自己却并不满意。Mattio manages her small kingdom in the fertile soil and is not satisfied with her.

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潮安县福庆建筑瓷厂,座落于潮州-“中国瓷都”这片沃土上。Chaoan Fuqing Building Ceramics Factory is located in Chaozhou, Ceramic Capital of China.

露出水面的不长一段树尖成了其它植物生长的“沃土”。Out of the water is not a long tree into fertile ground for the growth of other plants "".

拾金不昧是中国人的美德,外译这片沃土上闪耀着拾金不昧的无名英雄之光。That is a virtue not pocket the money picked up. This fertile soil is glistening with hero.