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他们闻到一种刺鼻的气味。A pungent odour met their nostrils.

樟脑丸的味道刺鼻。The smell of mothballs is very pungent.

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二氧化硫是一种无色气体,带有刺鼻的气味。SO2 is a colourless gas with a sharp odour.

从下水沟时常冒出刺鼻的气味。At times, the smell from the gutter can be rank.

房间里弥漫着刺鼻的烟草味。The room filled with the acrid smell of tobacco.

空气中弥漫着刺鼻呛人的硫磺气味。The pungent, choking smell of sulphur filled the air.

烟囱里倒灌进一股刺鼻的煤烟。There's a funny smell of soot blowing down the chimney.

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不过他能够听到岩浆湖嘶嘶的冒气声,还能闻到它发出的刺鼻气味。But he could hear its hissing gases and smell its acrid fumes.

也许,只有人类伟大而圣洁的消化器官才能容忍其刺鼻的气味,将其消灭在腹中。Perhaps only humans can withstand such a sharp smell of garlic.

还有,也没人愿意走进一间充满刺鼻香水味的房间。Also, no one wants to walk into a wall of cologne, " Megaro says.

一股刺鼻的气味在空气中弥漫,夹杂着触摸得到的不安。An acrid sting lingered in the air, along with a palpable anxiety.

一点香水味不错,但太过浓烈可能就刺鼻了。A little smell of perfume may be nice, but a lot can smell too strong.

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这厨房里的气味真刺鼻难受。除了大蒜你还在烧什么?。This kitchen smells to high heaven. What besides garlic are you cooking?

倾刻间,我的头发、胡子、脸还有肩膀都被刺鼻难闻的液体淋湿。My hair, beard, face and shoulders were drenched with foully acrid fluid.

苏在楼下光线暗淡的画室里找到了贝尔曼,他满身酒味刺鼻。Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of gin in his dimly lighted studio below.

让人称奇的是,现场竟无纸屑和刺鼻气味。To people's amazement, there was no wastepaper or pungent smell at the scene.

你在办公室的别的一端都可以闻到这些同事身上发出的刺鼻的气味。You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office.

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部队对废墟喷洒了消毒液来掩盖刺鼻的腐烂尸体味道。Soldiers sprayed disinfectant over the debris to cover the stench of rotting bodies.

羚羊身上的气味酸得刺鼻,上到坡顶后,屋里还是一片漆黑。The smell of the wildebeest was sour. At the top of the slope, the house was still dark.

几秒钟后,在她前面的黑暗中漂浮出一股刺鼻的乙醇气味。After a few seconds, the pungent scent of ethanol wafted out of the darkness in front of her.