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树丛使他下落的坠势稍缓。The trees broke his fall.

有多少自由下落的时间是安全的?How much free-fall time is safe?

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你怎么知道史泰门的下落?How do you know where steadman is?

她沿着那座岩石下落了十米。She fell ten meters down the rock.

不要试图抓住一把下落的刀。Don’t try and catch a falling knife.

物体下落增进动量。A falling object gains momentum as it falls.

迄今他的下落全然未知。His whereabouts have been utterly unknown so far.

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我们是真心关心他们的下落。We are genuinely concerned about their whereabouts.

个头的大小会改变这个人下落过程中所受的空气阻力吗?Would this change the air resistance on the person?

泪悄然下落汇成爱的那片海。Tears quietly falling merged into a love of the sea.

艾莎的下落,和他的父亲一样,不被人所知。Ayesha's whereabouts, like her father's, were unknown.

一段时间后,赛琪的姐姐们开始寻找她的下落。Meanwhile, Psyche's sisters started searching for her.

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我远投之后,这条鱼在勺子下落的时候就咬了。The fish bite my lure on the drop on a very long cast.

各种深浅不同的棕色树叶正纷纷下落。The leaves of various shades of brown are falling down.

出版商没有透露杜导正的下落。The publisher did not reveal Du Daozheng's whereabouts.

下落雨滴由于流体动力作用而破碎。Falling raindrops break up through hydrodynamic effects.

至于另一位乔治亚州的手机抢匪下落如何?The other Cellphone Bandit who robbed a bank in Georgia?

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他感觉着风,他感觉着冷,他感觉着呕人的下落。He felt the wind, he felt the cold, he felt the awful drop.

不过,林先生没有关于家人下落的消息。Still, Mr. Hayashi had no word of his family's whereabouts.

他们一直在调查那条失踪的船的下落。They are investigating what has become of the missing ship.