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很难想象,策划这两场大戏的导演均是里皮。Very difficult to imagine, plans these two major drama's direction is Lipi.

如果把2005年的中国车市比作一出精彩大戏的话,那么已经开演的上海车展无疑是这场戏的序曲。If the 2005 market is a big show, the coming Shanghai Auto Show is the prelude.

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单单西元80年一年,提图斯皇帝就演出九千头野生动物屠杀大戏。In the single year, 80 AD the Emperor Titus staged the slaughter of 9,000 wild animals.

在庙街,也有一对姐妹花专门表演广东大戏,以赚取酬劳。Have a couple of sisters' performance the Cantonese Opera on Temple Street to make money.

冬闲的日子,太阳暖暖地照着,古老的淮北乡村开始唱起大戏。During winter leisure, in warm sunshine, there will be drama shows in Huaibei rural areas.

IXAM的合作伙伴,联手在这次中国国际时装周上,导演了这场“穿越”大戏。IXAM direct this "time-travel" show together on the China International Fashion Week stage.

就在这个天下最棒的城市旁边,一天到晚24小时不停,都可以听到它们唱大戏!We have an opera going on there, 24 hours a day, right off the greatest city in the planet.

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中国上演了一场赶超美国的大戏,已经成为温室气体排放量最大的国家。Great play is made of China overtaking the US as the world's greatest emitter of greenhouse gases.

一个高层次、跨国界的“戏班子”建立了,一场“大戏”即将拉开帷幕。Thus a high-profile transnational working team was established for the opening of the grand event.

围绕着微软令人眼花缭乱的反盗版大戏的大问题是其付出是否有所值。THE grand question surrounding Microsoft’s anti-piracy razzle-dazzle is whether it’s worth the cost.

⊙、人生这部大戏,一旦拉开序幕,不管你如何怯场,都得演到戏的结尾。The drama of life, once started, no matter how you stage fright, had to play to the end of the play.

该剧是赵宝刚导演的一部反映现代都市人情感生活的现实主义题材大戏。This time Director Zhao Baogang presents us a drama themed with realistic modern life about affection.

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黑蚁一边说他是特意来贺喜的,一边抱着金蟾表演了一出吐钱的大戏。Black ant said he is intentionally to congratulate this, while holding the spittor performed a spit the drama of money.

此外,他们深藏内心中的一个疑虑是,欧元区成员可能会接二连三的要求救助,这根本就是一出大戏。Deep down lurks the sullen suspicion that this is a drama that the euro zone may be condemned to relive time and again.

2000年至今,短短七年时间在荧屏上就出现了多部军事大戏,形成了一股“军事剧热潮”。Since the year 2000, there have been a lot of influential military teleplays shown, which formed a "Military TV fever".

关海说到,瘦死的骆驼比马大,与其扮演小戏中的大角色还不如接大戏中的小角色。Pass, lean camel is bigger than the horse died, rather than play a big role in the playlet also pick up small role in the drama.

对其中一些人来说,花时间投入公司的企划案,是他们生活中的重头大戏,但对其他人来说,也许一直要等到发薪日当天,快乐才姗姗来迟。For some, time spent on a project at work is the highlight of their day, but for others, the happiness doesn't come until payday.

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人民不会喜欢或希望这种权力结构的产生,而这出政治大戏还会持续一段相当的时间。The rakyat may not look upon this power structure with favour. This high political drama will continue to drag for quite sometime.

他围绕“檀香刑”这场大戏,给读者展示了庙堂、民间、看客三种生命意识形式。Around the play of "sandalwood penalty", the author shows us three kinds of life consciousness from the temple, folk and on-lookers.

否定裸奇点存在的人又得了一分。我们十分迫切地期待这场引人入胜的科学大讨论中的下一幕大戏。Score another point in the "con" column for naked singularities. We eagerly await the next volley in this fascinating scientific debate.