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你僵死的脑子想什么呢?!What's up with your dead brain?

我对消费僵死的咒语非常敏感。I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis.

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处理僵死进程的最好方法是首先确保它们不会发生。The best way to deal with zombies is to make sure they don't happen in the first place.

西班牙建筑师安东尼·高迪在设计米拉之家时对僵死的几何学极其蔑视。Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi defied rigid geometry when he designed Casa Mila Barcelona.

这意味着可消除僵死进程的唯一方法是终止父进程。This means that the only way you can get rid of zombie processes is by killing the parent.

冬虫因真菌菌丝逐渐发展到全身而僵死。Winter bug due to the progressive development of fungal hyphae into the body and the dead.

一具尸体站立船首,僵死的脸上有一双闪闪发光的眼睛,灰色的嘴唇悲伤地微笑。A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly.

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它吓的尤斯达斯僵死地站在那里足有一秒钟,然后才转过头去查看。It froze him dead-still where he stood for a second. Then he slewed round his neck and looked.

用形而上学的观点来看待马克思主义,把它看成僵死的东西,这是教条主义。It is dogmatism to approach Marxism from a metaphysical point of view and to regard it as something rigid.

预算削减之所以貌似不可能,是因为我们的政府,尤其是我们可爱的参议院僵死了。Cutting the budget looks impossible because our government, especially our wonderful Senate, is gridlocked.

对于很多观察家来说,这个案件是自由精神对僵死文字的胜利。For most observers, the case symbolizes the triumph of the liberating spirit over the deadly letter of the law.

这个僵死的封建社会制度几百年来统治了欧洲大部分发达地区。This rigid system of feudal society prevailed in the most developed areas of Europe for many hundreds of years.

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子进程从终止时起就一直处于僵死状态,直到父进程确认该信号为止。From the time the child dies until the time the parent acknowledges the signal, the child sits in a zombie state.

皮鲁维博说目标是把电子墨水置于“聪明表面”,从而摆脱原有“僵死纸张”的限制。The goal, says Peruvemba, is to pute-ink on every "smart surface" and get away from the constraints of "dead paper.

人性觉醒的社会思潮与僵死落后的规范文化极不和谐,从而造成了潘金莲的畸形性格。Her tragedy was a result of the conflicts between the awakening of human nature and the dead and backward social conventions.

今天,许多妇女选择离婚,因为她们认为作辛迪士会比留在僵死的婚姻里生活得更好。Eg. Today many women choose to get divorced because they think they will have a better life as a SINDI than by staying in a stale marriage.

血迹斑斑,糊满尘土,已经僵死的细脖子上的剃了半边的脑袋,动来动去地在地上拖着。The dead , shaven head , stained with blood and grimed with dust , was trailed along the ground , rolling from side to side on the long neck.

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在这种情况下,头脑风暴可以卷起尘埃,将新鲜的空气吹入你僵死的思绪,让灵感的微风流动起来。In this case, brainstorming stirs up the dust, whips some air into our stilled pools of thought, and gets the breeze of inspiration moving again.

初级的管理员可能认为进程管理只不过就是监视活动的进程、终止失控的或僵死的进程。A junior administrator might consider process management nothing more than monitoring active processes and possibly killing runaway or zombie processes.

采用抢先调度方式时,具有最高优先级的任务先执行直到它进入等待或僵死状态,或者是有更高优先级的任务产生。Under preemptive scheduling , the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence.