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他们由于麻烦的做事而活气。They were indignould like with hard work.

这是一个水蓝色小精灵再次充斥活气。This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.

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这是一个水蓝色小精灵再次布满活气。Thellos is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.

灵感来自于现代,艺术和布满活气的跳舞。Inspiration from contemporary, rhythmic and vibrant dances.

当尸体从沙威身旁经过时,安灼拉对那一贯死样活气的密探说When the corpse passed near Javert, who was still impassive, Enjolras said to the spy

在另一方面,老年而有热心与活气乃是于事业极好的气质也。On the other side, heat and vivacity in age, is an excellent composition for business.

人是这个有机系统中最具活气和最富有创新能力的细胞。People are the most dynamic cells with the best ability to innovate in thellos system.

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这样你能够更加懂得本人,进步技巧,跟更多的人打交道并且又一次觉得活气四射。You'll learn more about yourself, enhance skills, make contacts, and feel alive again.

首先,他们会说我是一个充斥活气和热忱的人,由于我无比爱好和人一起工作。First, they?d say I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I really enjoy working with people.

萨德包括活气把持系统、通讯系统、拦截器、发射系统和雷达。THAAD comprises a fire control and communications system, interceptors, launchers and a radar.

要想使您的雪貂健康、身材苗条、充斥活气就要为它供给平衡且合适的养分。A balanced diet and proper nutrition will lead your ferret to a long, active, and healthy life.

我热爱凤凰城。我热爱这里的阳光和热度。我热爱这个活气勃勃,不断扩张着的都市。I loved Phoenix. I loved the sun and the blistering heat. I loved the vigorous, sprawling city.

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没有感情,就不会有黑暗向光明、冷淡向活气的改变。There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion.

我把活气寄托在黑巧克力口味小块冰淇淋上,信任这款产品一定会吸引来良多顾客。The dark chocolate with bite-sized pieces is my GREAT WHITE HOPE. I believe it will bring in lots of customers.

同时具有加强机体外表细胞的活气,克制朽迈等做用。Also has enhanced the vitality of the body surface of cells and suppress aging, the role of inhibition and aging.

你要带着雷同的渴望和活气,为了让我们感觉到保险,我们还有很长的一段路共度。Knowing that you're coming at this with the same desires and energy as we are goes a long way to making us feel secure.

正是因为被简化了,它们要比全盘的精细刻画的效果更像人,更有活气。Now that they have been simplified, they appear more human and alive than if they had been represented in all their details.

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海报一代展现的是奉献继承的气概气派、包涵兼具的真格的力量、乐不雅向上的动力和热情使人喜爱的活气。Posters show the dedication to play a generation of bold, inclusive both the strength and power of optimism and enthusiasm lovely vitality.

活动捕获技术的呈现,又为人体角色动画注入了新的活气,极大的提高了人体动作动画制造的效力。The appearance of Motion Capture technique have made human motion synthesis work more easily, and improved the efficiency of animation product flow.

可是今日,越来越多的英国人拜候神州,自己看眼见像首都、上海、广州这样的多数会的新活气。But today, more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the new dynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.