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什么是上下文门户?What is a contextual portal?

修改上下文根。Modification of context root.

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请试著从上下文猜测字义。Try to guess from the context.

重新组合或上下文更改。Recomposition or context change.

但是为什么要忽略上下文呢?But why would you ignore context?

重新组合或上下文更改。Re-composition or context change.

基于上下文或内容的路由。Context- or content-based routing.

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它们也缺乏足够的上下文。They lack adequate context as well.

创建和使用共享的上下文。Creation and usage of shared context.

如何普遍的是上下文敏感?How pervasive is context-sensitivity?

结合上下文,如何理解这个词?What does the word do in the context?

提供特定于任务的流和上下文Provide task-specific flows and context

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答案取决于领域的上下文。It depends on the context of the domain.

最后六行的上下文不很明确。The last six lines are contextually weak.

它与上下文无关,并且毫不含糊。It is context-independent and unambiguous.

建模基于上下文的授权规则Modeling context-based authorization rules

释放设备上下文的句柄。Releases the handle to the device context.

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绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死记硬背。Third, never cram for it without contexts.

使用上下文创建解组器。Use the context to create an unmarshaller.

多个对象可以存在于一个上下文中。Multiple objects can live inside a context.