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你的学龄前孩子需要家教吗?Will your preschooler need a tutor?

除了等候我们没有什么主张。上海未名园英语家教。There's little we can do except wait.

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做高中生的家教怎么样?What about tutoring high school kids?

我讨厌你用家教来攻击我。I hate it when you use Ohana against me.

他家教甚严,对长辈,他是一个孝子。In the eyes of seniors, he is a dutiful son.

您的孩子需要家教或全程陪读吗?Do you need a tutor or a friend for your child?

那家语言中心提供一对一的家教。That language center offers one-on-one tutoring.

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想要哪位当你的家教呢?。Which member do you prefer to be your home tutor?

如果是男孩是做家教,做调酒师或者DJ都可以啊。If a boy is to do family, do bartenders or DJ can ah.

家教是最流行的兼职工作之一。Family education is one of most popular par-time jobs.

模拟联合国,安置优等生的高级课程,下午的家教…And model u. n. advanced placement classes after-school.

我怔怔地看着她,“你的家教是让你这样问候别人的吗?”I stared at her, " your family is let you greet people?"

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同时他也叫我帮他找一个英语家教.Meantime, he asked me to help him find an English tutor.

罗恩·保罗的家教大纲会受到公众欢迎吧。Ron Paul's home school curriculum is goingto be popular.

每周他都要跟家教学习普通话。Each week, he meets with a private tutor to learn Mandarin.

然而,如果我的孩子需要额外的辅导,我会为他们请家教的。However, if my kids need extra help I will get them tutors.

针对峻厉的家教的观点迥然不同。Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely.

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有没有考试时间表,可以让家教给他安排时间复习资料?Is there a test schedule so the tutor can review the material?

绑匪是尤丽亚的家教老师,见事情败露便跳楼自尽。The kidnapper is yulia tutor, see his jump off a building suicide.

他临走时说做完家教要找高洛去,晚上回来。He had said to finish the tutor to Gao Luo, come back in the evening.