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这项检疫措施现已取消。The quarantine is now abolished.

该船被留在港口进行检疫。The ship is detained in quarantine.

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这是中国卫生检疫法的规定。Right. So we have to quarantine him.

我们需要一份植物检疫证书。We need a phytosanitary Certificate.

我们需要一份植物检疫证书。Wee need a phytosanitary Certificate.

咱们需求一份植物检疫证书。We commor a phytosanitary Certificate.

这一问题是纯粹的卫生检疫问题。This is simply a hygienic inspection issue.

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现场检疫发现马有体表寄生虫时。When ectoparasites are found quarantining the horse.

检疫将在大台进行。The quarantine inspection will be held in the saloon.

带有国家规定检疫对象的有害生物的。With maleficent organism quarantined by the national.

指导林业有害生物的防治、检疫工作。To direct prevention and quarantine of forestry pests.

植物检疫措施应在技术上是合理的。Phytosanitary measures should be technically justified.

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动物一进港就被隔离检疫。The animal is put in quarantine on arrival at the port.

病畜迅速得到检疫并立刻被扑杀。Sick animals were immediately quarantined and soon culled.

中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法。The Frontier Sanitation and Quarantine Law of the P. C. C.

工作,统一检疫程序将继续下去。Work on harmonized phytosanitary procedures will continue.

能力的检疫和撤消的项目已被删除。Ability to quarantine and undo items that have been removed.

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板栗疫病为我国检疫性病害。Castanea mollissima blight is a quarantine disease in China.

本文解答了森林植物检疫的三个核心问题。Three core questions of forest plant quarantine are answered.

螨类和蓟马类为低风险检疫性有害生物。Acaribs and thrips are regarded as low-risk quarantining pests.