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这名政客名誉扫地。The politician became bankrupt in reputation.

勒庞形容他政治名誉扫地。She has described him as politically discredited.

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丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.

会谈在现已名誉扫地的佩尔韦兹·穆沙拉夫将军的主持下启动。Talks started under the now discredited Gen Pervez Musharraf.

一个只有19岁的女孩似乎就此名誉扫地。The reputation and future of a 19-year-old girl is on tenterhooks.

一旦他们被抓住,她就会名誉扫地,被很不光彩地撤职开除。If they were caught, she would be thrown out in disgrace, dismissed with ignominy.

有的地区,这样的话题就是禁忌,提及这样的东西要冒着名誉扫地的风险。In some areas, topics are so taboo that you risk your reputation even to raise them.

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也许会是您使凯德的名誉扫地,如果您对待您客户的态度还这样傲慢,一意孤行。YOU will let the reputation of Capitaland down if you insist in treating your clients like garbage.

如果再过十年,公寓和体育场馆开始裂缝,中国的低质量水泥会名誉扫地。China’s low-quality cement may reap a backlash, if, come 10 years, condos and stadiums start to crack.

日前,名誉扫地的英格兰球星特里被控向其情妇瓦内萨支付了75万英镑的封口费。Disgraced England star John Terry was accused of paying mistress Vanessa Perroncel £750000 in hush money.

但是到1963年为止,吴庭艳政府名誉扫地,以至于美国对于由一位异议将军发动的政变袖手旁观。But by 1963, Diem's government was so discredited that the US did nothing to stop a coup by dissident generals.

要注意科学家的话是怎么一回事,早在关于北极熊溺死的谎言得到证实前,他们就名誉扫地了。Notice how the story of the scientist, disgraced when his lies over drown polar bears were confirmed, never made Yahoo.

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不过复杂的新式债券工具目前是"名誉扫地",这使得金融自由化之路充满坎坷.With complex, new-fangled debt instruments now discredited, making the case for financial liberalization will be tough.

蒋介石的官员对台湾的剥削,不但使他们自己而且也使他们整个国家名誉扫地。In exploiting Formosa, Chiang Kai -shek's officials not only brought themselves into low repute, but their whole country.

人们普遍认为,红杉俱乐部名誉扫地,威信丧失殆尽,再也抬不起头来了。It was generally conceded that the Sequoia Club, its name disgraced and influence diminished, could never be the same again.

考试回来后虽然被全村的人笑话,是老妈级别的人们的饭后杂谈,名誉扫地。Test the whole village, although is back after people joke, is old mama level of people's meal of joke, lost all my reputation.

水门事件导致尼克松名誉扫地,让世界上最有权力的美国总统惨淡下台。In the case of the Watergate break-in, it led to the discrediting and downfall of Richard Nixon, the President of the most powerful nation on earth, the US.

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标普的举动也使得布朗在财政方面的名誉扫地,明年赢得大选的机会或更加渺茫.S&P's move also leaves Gordon Brown's fiscal reputation in tatters -- the already long odds of him winning next year's general election have just lengthened even more.

麦凯恩指责奥巴马是参议院中收取房利美和联邦住宅贷款抵押公司捐款的第二大个人,而这两大公司正是目前名誉扫地的抵押贷款行业巨头。McCain accused Obama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations from individuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgage industry giants.

黄禹锡为其实验室所犯下的错误道歉,但也表示有阴谋者企图使他的实验团队名誉扫地。Disgraced South Korean scientist Hwang apologised on Thursday for wrongdoing at his laboratory, but said his team may have been the victim of a conspiracy trying to discredit them.