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不过,那对你都是过眼云烟。But to you, all are fleeting souls.

大风大浪已是过眼云烟。Wind and wave has already was vanish quickly.

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荣耀只是过眼云烟,我们曾经活着就够了。Glory is all well and good but, life is enough.

答案是所有负面消息都将成为过眼云烟。The answer is that the negatives all flutter away.

原来你所说的一切不过都是过眼云烟。The original everything you say it is even a vapour.

你说的你爱我,现在全都变成了过眼云烟。You say you love me, now all turn into even a vapour.

这样的人生即便财富堆积如山也不过是过眼云烟。Even if such life the wealth piles up is also the eye mist.

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轰轰烈烈如过眼云烟,平平淡淡才是真。Magnificent and victorious over like clouds, go in light is true.

我不确信这场始于半年前的泡沫已经成为过眼云烟。I am not sure this bubble that began six months ago is truly over.

当你白发苍苍翻看老照片时,你会发现一切不过是过眼云烟,他也只是个过客而已。I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted, so i could waste it all over again.

那件日夜盘据在她心头的住事,对于她母亲不过是一件过眼云烟的偶然事件罢了。That haunting episode of bygone days was to her mother but a passing accident.

半夏锦年、流逝青春哀伤,看不见的过眼云烟。Jin, the passage of youth Pinellia sad, invisible as trassient as a fleeting cloud.

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古人的苍凉情怀如过眼云烟,留在了湮没的时光里。The blue emotions of the ancients has drowned over time as the past clouds and mist.

但因为那些比赛都已与我们擦肩而过,回首时,只是过眼云烟,所以感到了一种艰难。It's kind of tough because as those games go by, you look back and go, 'We had a game today.

一切都是过眼云烟。想想,不管昨天、今天、明天,能豁然开朗就是美好的一天。Think, no matter, yesterday, today and tomorrow will be suddenly enlightened is beautiful day.

而今,那些外国动乱对我们只是过眼云烟,不再出现在我们的集体记忆中。Today, we mention those foreign examples only in passing, without making them part of our collective memory.

这是真的,很多场景都会成为过眼云烟,但是童年的场景总是那么真实。Many things you experinced may turn into nothing, but the scenes in childhood would be so real all through your life.

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但只要发达国家产业一转移,就会只剩下空荡荡的厂房,当年的繁华成为过眼云烟。But as long as the industry shift in developed countries, there will be only empty factories, bustling be passé for the year.

虽然债务重组业务可以抵消一部分影响,但并购业务的急剧下滑说明了,投行业的成功可以像过眼云烟般短暂。That decline, although offset in part by restructuring work, shows how transient success in Cheap Mabinogi Gold investment banking can be.

在1980年代,我们还一度非常担心电脑及文化产业被日本接管,但现在这种担忧已成过眼云烟。The much-feared Japanese takeover of the computer and cultural industries back in the 1980s now has petered out into a historical footnote.