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她只是有点心烦。She's just upset.

那个人真让我心烦。That man really bugs me.

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那吵声真叫我心烦。That noise really bugs me.

这件麻烦事很是让我心烦。The trouble irks me a lot.

我理解她心烦。I understood that she was upset.

她髣?有点心烦。She seemed upset about something.

婴儿的哭声让我十分心烦。The baby's crying jangled my nerves.

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他的声音听来又有些心烦了。He was starting to sound upset again.

那孩子的尖叫声让我心烦。The child's screams jarred my nerves.

我看到人们横冲直撞地开车时真的很心烦。I get so upset when I see bad driving.

他猛力拍打一只搅得他心烦的苍蝇。He swatted a fly that was annoying him.

连绵的阴雨天,让人觉得心烦。Continuous rainy days make people upset.

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但是交通堵塞的情况仍然让我心烦。But the traffic jams still make me crazy.

“我真的为里奥感到心烦”,卡佩罗说。"I am really upset for Rio, " Capello added.

他为公共汽车时刻表心烦了整个晚上。He pothered all evening over the bus schedule.

石头,是什么事让你心烦?你看上去心事重重的。What's bothering you Stone? You look stressed.

这些人大部分都有心烦不安的理由。A lot of these people have reasons to be upset.

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平日忙里又忙外,为我分忧解心烦。On weekdays in the busy and busy, for I through.

而且很有趣,但有时也令人心烦。And it's very fun, but sometimes very distracting.

互联网连接速度慢真让人心烦。A slow Internet connection speed is really annoying.