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如果我们漠然置之,还有多少人会死去?If we do look away, how many others will die?

他们对提议的反应充其量只能说是漠然置之。Their response to the proposal was, at best, cool.

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官员们都漠然置之,并不认真对待。The officials were holding loose and not in earnest.

如果我们愿意,可以对这些鬼故事漠然置之。We can, if we choose, discount all of these ghost stories.

我本来以为哈罗德告诉你那些事后,你决不会漠然置之的。I thought you'd never cool down after what Harold said to you.

对于世俗名利,他总是漠然置之,不放在心上。He is indifferent to fame and gain, and never cares about them.

不要对民众的利益漠然置之。Don't turn a blind eye to matters that concern the people's welfare.

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而在同时,对这些我漠然置之的事物,我又要试图确定每一个的价值。At the same time however in things indifferent I attempt to ascertain the value of each.

因此,无论是何种形式的干涉,要我们漠然置之,也同样不可能。IT is equally impossible, therefore, that we should behold such interposITion in any from wITh indifference.

就像她说地,御宅族对人际交往和社会勾当漠然置之,和别人也很少沟通。Like she said, Otakus don't interact with people or care about their communities, they don't talk to others.

英国工党似乎乐于接受欧洲一体化,但对左翼极端分子则漠然置之。The new Labor Party seems to accept closer European integration with enthusiasm and to give left-wing extremists short shrift.

不能设想,我们的语文教育能面对社会文化环境和教育对象的巨变而漠然置之。It is unimaginable that we could ignore the great change of the social cultural environment and the educational objects in our Chinese education.

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英国海军部曾警告「卢西塔尼亚号」要避开这个区域,并采用规避战术曲折航行,但船员们对此漠然置之。The British Admiralty had warned the Lusitania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging, but the crew ignored these recommendations.

英国海军部曾警告「卢西塔尼亚号」要避开这个区域,并采用规避战术曲折航行,但船员们对此漠然置之。The british admiralty had warned the lusi tania to avoid the area and to use the evasive tactic of zigzagging but the crew ignored these recommendations.

出于各种原因,新闻学界对待“民生新闻”的态度,大约经历了一个从漠然置之到匆忙诠释的转变过程。Due to various reasons, the attitude of researchers in journalism toward civic news has experienced a sudden change from indifference to hurried interpretation.

如果你没有照顾好你的口腔,对诸如龋齿、牙垠炎和口臭等问题漠然置之,你就是在糟蹋自己。If you don't take good care of your mouth and aren’t aware of problems suc h as pending cavities, gum inflammation and bad breath, you could be doing yourself more harm.

华尔街似乎对刺激提案漠然置之.美股主要股指周二收跌,因对欧洲经济成长前景的忧虑再起.Wall Street seemed unimpressed by the stimulus proposal. Major stock indexes were lower at midday, dragged down by fresh worries about economic growth prospects in Europe.