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你船预计何时才能重新浮起?When do you expect to refloat?

预计的发电能力是多少?How much digestate is produced?

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我们预计2012年前不会增长。We expect no growth until 2012.

预计海况变化如何?Is sea state expected to change?

你预计他什么时候回来?What time do you expect him back?

预计入远允许在1215。Expect approach clearance at 1215.

因此,我预计市场不会理睬它。So, I expected the market to yawn.

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预计协调世界时0900时出现海啸。Tsunami wave expected by 0900 UTC.

我们预计今年冬天会冷。We expect a cold winter this year.

预计会有一段时间的不适。Expect a period of some discomfort.

预计本周都应该是晴天。Itrs supposed to be sunny all week.

预计明年可以生产出样片。Sample chips are expectednext year.

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预计气温将在零度以下。Sub-zero temperatures are expected.

我船预计在2小时内可以抵达你处。I expect to reach you within 2hours.

我船预计在涨潮时可重新浮起。I expect to refloat when tide rises.

预计引航员什么时候可来我船?When can I expect the pilot to come?

预计到对话--以及批评。Expect a conversation--and criticism.

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不,海况预计不变。No, sea state not expected to change.

今天早上比预计的要凉快。This morning is cooler than expected.

预计后市价格行情仍将以平稳为主。Expect future prices to remain stable.