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这博客是用世界语写的。This blog is in Esperanto.

他要学世界语。He wants to learn Esperanto.

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世界语是波兰犹太裔眼科医生L。Esperanto was created by L. L.

他世界语讲得极好。He speaks Esperanto admirably.

因为我是自学世界语的。As I learn Esperanto by my-self.

人们为什么要学世界语?Why does anyone learn Esperanto?

作为世界语者,我仅仅是个初学者。As a Esperantist, I am just a beginner.

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他在那所大学教世界语。He teaches Esperanto at that university.

一种以世界语和伊多语为基础的人工语。An artificial language based on esperanto and ido.

这些会议全用世界语进行。These meetings are carried on entirely in Esperanto.

受教于父亲,乔治·索罗斯从小就学说世界语。Tivadar taught George to speak Esperanto from birth.

我曾学过八种,包种世界语。I used to learn more than eight, including Esperanto.

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再没有比世界语更好的推广计划的例子了。There's no better example of outreach program than Esperanto.

因为你能够理解我用世界语写的歌。Because you can understand my song, which written in Esperanto.

据国际世界语协会说,这些提取短语“已被完全断章取义”。UEA says these extracts "have been completely taken out of context".

使用世界语是保持同一波长的最好办法。There's no better way to be on the same wave-length than to use Esperanto.

他接着说,直到记者向他提问时,他以前还从未听说过世界语。Ballam added that he had never heard of Esperanto until a reporter inquired.

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它之于键盘就像世界语之于语言和录像机之于录像带。It is to the keyboard what Esperanto is to language and Betamax to videotape.

这是非常有用的经验体会到,在世界语言之美。This experience is useful to appreciate the beauty of languages in the world.

而该联谊会队员并不认为全球采用世界语是一个遥不可及的目标。And the fellowship's members do not view global use of Esperanto as a quixotic goal.