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公伯峡水电站2002年截流设计。The design of Gongboxia hydro-power in 2002.

由于坡水引起的冲刷,则需修建截流沟。For flushing canal by slop runoff, must build the cut off ditch.

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截流最运用于低流速或中流速应用环境。Stop-check valves are best suited for low to moderate velocity applications.

截流止回阀最适用于低流速或中流速应用环境。Stop-check valves are best suited for low to moderate velocity applications.

长江三峡工程大江截流是三峡工程的关键技术之一。The main river closure is one of key techniques for the Three Gorges Project.

影响堰式截流井的主要因素是堰高。As for the weir intercepting chamber, the main factor is the height of the weir.

分析截流倍数的影响因素,探讨合理的截流倍数计算方法。Analyzing effect factor and study reasonable algorithms of interceptive multiple.

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最常用的两种分离器为离心式分离器和截流式分离器。The two most popular separator centrifugal separator and closure for type separator.

污水截流是城市水环境质量控制的重要措施。Sewage closure is important measure for municipal water environmental quality control.

沿海堤坝工程的合龙,不同于江河截流。The closure works for offshore dykes are different from the closure works for a river.

从河道截流的发展趋势来看,高水头截流已成为一种趋势。Higher water head closure has become a trend with the development of river way closure.

他截流了政府给村里的救灾款,买了树苗和草籽。His government to the village of intercepting any type, bought sapling and grass seeds.

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中国青铜峡黄河水利枢纽工程拦河坝合拢截流。The barrage closure works of Qingtongxia Key Water Control Project on Yellow River in China.

预定于明年进行的长江三峡截流,不过对三峡经管造成大的影响。It is assumed that the damming of the Three Gorges next year will not do harm to the scenery.

现场截流施工必须认真合理地组织和科学地指挥。The site river closure construction must be organized carefully, properly and scientifically.

沿海堤坝工程的合龙,不同于江河截流。The closure construction for offshore dyke engineering is different from the closure for river.

因此,对截流措施应进行充分论证,使其趋向合理、更具有可操作性。Therefore, river closure measures should be fully proved to be reasonable and more operational.

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冲洗时可间接调整截流阀的开关状态。When the utility model flushes, the on-off state of the shut-off valve can be indirectly adjusted.

根据截流设计要求,工程施工特点,进行精心的施工组织设计。In terms of cut-flow design demand and construct feature, carry out precise construction and design.

截流是水利水电工程兴建过程中的关键环节之一。Closure is one of the key links during the construction of the water resources and hydropower engineering.